

A Future for the Henry George School

Robert Clancy

[Reprinted from the Henry George News, August, 1953]

If I had a million -- shucks, what's a million dollars anymore? So, if I had a billion -

First, I'd build a new Henry George School on a university scale, with campus, residential quarters and everything.

Then I'd go about filling it with students. The teachers? That's the beauty of the Henry George School. The more students you have, the more teachers you have. Also, we'd have a lot of full-time talent.

I think we might also initiate a sort of rent enclave on the grounds -- the residents within our periphery paying rent to the school and receiving social services in return.

Next we'd establish good strong extensions in every important city in the U. S. -- to say nothing of building up all the extensions now operating.

Wait, now -- that's just the U. S., and shouldn't the same be happening in other countries? But we've used up our billion, so let's keep adding billions as we need them.

All right, then, we won't stop until we have a good Henry George School in every country in the world. This will call for innumerable translations and a vast increase in our literature services.

Meanwhile, you know, the Henry George News will become a weekly - no -- a daily newsaper. And since the AP and UP are not likely to understand our needs, we will have our own international wire service with our own reporters all over the globe picking up the real stuff behind the headlines.

There will be many more publications -- weeklies, monthlies and hordes of pamphlets on all subjects. And books will be written by our scholars. For example, doesn't the history of the world need to be rewritten to bring out truths that have long been obscured?

And much current research remains to be done. Our experts will network the country and find out first-hand, from the ground up, just how much land values are. And they will be making first-hand studies of many industries, large and small, to ascertain what the income and the expenses are in terms of rent, wages and interest.

By this time -- Oh, is it time to awaken? Just as I was warming up!

Never mind. I was only presenting the future in capsule form. Be assured that all this -- and more -- will eventually take place.