

Putting It Over in 1957

John R. Fuchs

[Reprinted from the Henry George News, August, 1957]

WE must restore to the people that which belongs to all the people, and to the individual what belongs to him. This statement meets with almost universal approval, but then comes the question, what is it that belongs to all the people? Few if any will be so bold as to deny the truth that the earth - the land - was created for the benefit of all. But what are you going to do about that truth? You do not want the government to attempt to divide the land. Some people would not know what to do with it if you gave it to them. The only thing we want to give away is opportunity.

A democracy is not a democracy so long as the fundamental right to the earth is not recognized. Within the meaning of our Declaration of Independence, the Preamble to the Constitution, and the great Bill of Rights, all men are equal before the law. Until we recognize the truth that all are but tenants on this earth, we cannot be equal under the law of nature - the divine law. If we persist in ignoring this we are doomed to destruction.

Here lies one of our greatest opportunities to present our cause in 1957. In the United States we believe in a supreme being, while some, if not all, of the totalitarian countries are atheistic. In the totalitarian countries men have only such rights as the governments grant. Here every human being possesses God-given rights which no government has created, but which are protected and guaranteed under the Constitution.

We are still denying our God-given right to the land on which, by which, and from which we live. And as long as our government continues to deny this, we are not presenting a solid front against Communist doctrine.

Another opportunity we have in 1957 is in correcting the mistaken but very prevalent idea that "we never had it so good." Assuming this optimism to be justified, at what expense did we obtain it? Most people overlook the fact that it has cost us local self government, the bulwark of our democracy and the foundation of our liberties. It has lead to an expensive bureaucracy and is steadily leading toward ever increasing governmental regimentation.

Our opportunities can be found in helping to explain the causes of the growing unrest over the high cost of government and living. One of the most striking features of the continual interference with private enterprise which strikes at the very vitals of our society, is the disappearance of the middle class, which has been through our history, the backbone of the country.

By putting into practice the ideal of constructive taxation our country could get a moral uplift that would equal the great achievement of abolishing the divine right of any one man to rule. A nation leaps forward only when people dare to take great steps.

Every individual, under present laws, can collect the rental value of land, which value was created by the community as a whole. The mere ground or site produces absolutely nothing, and the individual owner does not create its value.

We have a splendid illustration of this as it pertains to oil land, or, for that matter, to any and all mineral lands. The so-called title holder is paid a royalty. Note the word, royalty.

Since the publication of my book I have been called on to speak to various groups, and maybe I can convince somebody. This is not Texas bragging, I've reached the stage in life where I can tell the truth. When I was a young man I couldn't go out and preach. My approach may not be the same as yours, but during the rest of the days that I have, I want to devote my heart and my hand to promoting this cause, the truth of which we know will not find ready acceptance.

We must appeal to the patriotism and loyalty of the American people. There is nothing wrong with their hearts or their minds; show them and they will follow. Get young men or even old men, who have the courage to run for office - yes, run for office - not for the sake of the office but for the cause.

Don't give anybody the idea that George made a mistake in running for mayor - he made no mistake - he showed the way that it will finally be put over. That is by the votes of the common people-the forgotten people, if you please. We may be defeated - that is, we may lose some battles - but we will win the war, so long as we keep on coming. You cannot keep a man down with a cause such as ours.