The End of Capitalism as We Know It
Cay Hehner
[Presented at the Council of Georgist Organizations
conference held in Cleveland, Ohio, 7 August, 2009. Reprinted from
GroundSwell, September-October 2009]
Capitalism & Communism are proving to be the obverse &
reverse side of the same counterfeit coin. As Communism has fallen,
because it was based on unsustainable economic and ecological
principles, so will its un-evil or evil twin fall! The question is not
if or whether it will fall, but when. This paper will explore the
causes of why & how.
The world is changing before our eyes as we speak.
Or maybe we should say the world is unraveling as we watch wide-eyed.
This morning's headlines announced that the G 7 and G 8 meetings are
being officially superseded by the G 20 meetings. Twenty years after
the fall of the Iron Curtain and the end of the Cold War the present
U.S. President therefore acknowledged that the 'old world order' that
dissected our planet into:
- A) The 1st world of capitalism
- B) The 2nd world of communism
- C) The 3rd world of the non-aligned nations
- D) The 4th world or the break-away regions that claim autonomy
- E) The 5th world or counter-cultural movements within the first
They all have now themselves become history and have become obsolete.
Since communism collapsed from the inside out, it really made no more
sense to speak of countries like India, China, or Brazil or any other
country really as "third world" countries. Now that
capitalism is on bail-out intravenous it makes even less sense. This
old world order, come to think of it now after its demise, was
incredibly jingoist and racist. It was based on retrograde ideas of
social Darwinism and colonialism promulgated by Herbert Spencer,
Thomas Carlyle, Friedrich Nietzsche, Oswald Spengler et al that have
meanwhile been well exploded & proven fallacious. It's main tenant
is roughly not the survival of the fittest, but the survival of the
most ruthless, a kind of neo-Machiavellism, neo-Hobbesian, very
jaundiced view of human nature that holds that man is but an
anti-social beast with a usually dysfunctional brain, & that
humanity as a whole can never aspire to anything higher than
dog-eat-dog, the permanent war-of-all-against-all, and the law of the
On this theoretical dyslexia Adam Smith based his Wealth of
Nations and on this literally beastly view of man Marx based his
Capital theories only replacing the wage-slave-driving, whip-wielding
capitalist with the Kalashnikov-brandishing polit commissar. So we are
not tossed from the frying pan into the fire, but from poverty row
into the soviet psychiatric ward and the Siberian gulag. I have
analyzed the inherent likeness and the inherently lethal limitations
of capitalism and communism in essays like Where Adam Smith &
Karl Marx Agree They Are Both Wrong and Where Capitalism &
Communism Have the same Goals They Will Both Fail.
Two centuries after their inception the reasons for this dual failure
are now patent and evident. With the Industrial Revolution at the
beginning of the 19th century barely one, two generations apart both
capitalism & communism set out to transform & meliorate the
earth; it was a scientific revolution as well as an industrial one -
or rather the scientific paradigm shifts fired up the dawn of the
industrial age. Both materialistic economic systems set out to abolish
world poverty, hunger, infant mortality, pandemics & other
scourges of humankind. While they were partially or largely successful
with some of these measures they have failed miserably with the
abolition of poverty & the eradication of world hunger.
The New York Times this January was running a prominent two-page
editorial with the headline: The End of the Financial System as we
know it. A little later Newsweek had a front-page
provocation that proclaimed: We Are All Socialist Now! Late
this summer The Wall Street Journal ran a prominent one-page
ad for a bestseller of one of its leading reporters with the title
Guide to the End of Wall Street. Now Pravda has been
predicting the "imminent end of capitalism" from the Russian
Revolution in 1917 onward till the collapse of the Soviet system in
1989. The Marxist arguments why capitalism would and should surely
fall have lost traction since, except with a few Ivy League economics
professors with a pronounced disdain for clear empirical, historical
data. Nobody denies at this point that we have entered a period of
global economic turmoil only paralleled by the Great Depression in the
1930s. However there are fiscal, financial, and economic policies that
can be set to counter rising unemployment, increasing pauperization,
the depression of the middle class and the erosion of economic and
real estate value, not to forget the depletion of resources, the
large-scale destruction of nature and human, animal, and floral
habitats and the crisis of finance and industry.
In direct proportion to the giddy heights of their far-above-average
intelligence quotients smart people tend to have more problems than
the average John or Jane Doe to incorporate reality into their
theories. The problem of fact and truth finding is further compounded
if they are working for think tanks that are sponsored by Big Oil, Big
Money, Big Pharma, etc. Although communism has collapsed two decades
ago - & even weeks before the collapse foe & friend alike had
been certain of its perpetuity - an astounding number of pundits &
savants continue to spin mind-boggling abstractions that factor in
Marxism and the Soviet system as if it had never been proven wrong in
reality. Now we are told Cuba is still Communist and China. Not to
forget North Korea. If that is true these asservations bear a closer
look. It is doubtful that communism as we have known it will survive
the death of Castro in Cuba, and it is equally doubtful if Kim had
ever seen the light of day as North Korean strongman without China
holding him to their guns. And what about China our formidable
erstwhile trading partner and credit provider, former adversary, now
friendly neighborhood banker? Viewed in the sober daylight of the
fading first decade of the 21st century China is not exactly
state-monopolist communist anymore either. China by its own linguistic
standards has progressed from orthodox Stalinist and Maoist communism
proper to a new form: "Free-market Communism"
Not to be left behind -- or shall we say not to leave any
grammatically challenged former president behind who brought us this
mess to begin with - U.S. capitalism has not exactly stood still
either. Capitalism made in the U.S.A. is now no longer the much
maligned unbridled Wild West cowboy capitalism; it has progressed to a
highly state-interventionist, all-nationalizing capitalism. Appreciate
the double-irony here: The generally accepted orthodox definition of
communism is that of a command-economic system run by
polit-commissars. The generally accepted classical definition of
Capitalism on the other hand is that of a free-market system that is
decidedly non-interventionist with the state's role at its most
minimalist in a mere traffic cop function. So what are we now exactly?
"Socialized and Communistic Capitalists"?
Both Adam Smith and Karl Marx would have clearly resented if we were
trying to sell them what is happening in China today as "communist"
or in America as "capitalist". So what is happening?
Today the U.S. government holds a 60 % stake in General Motors and an
80 % stake in A.I.G. [Source NYT]. Not to talk about Fanny Mae,
Freddie Mac, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Bank of
America who all would have gone down the same memory lane to oblivion
if there had not been a monumental, historically unprecedented
wholesale bailout on taxpayers' dollars. 'Privatizing profits,
socializing losses' seemed to have been the driving principle behind
the bail-outs. The United States without G. M. is like imagining Paris
without the Eiffel Tower or Egypt without the pyramids. For the last
several years it seemed every time you opened the morning papers a
major bank, financial institution, or major corporation had folded
over night; Fred Harrison is urging us to help "make poverty
history!" Meanwhile - to name but a few - Lehman Bros., Bear
Stearns, Merrill Lynch, Washington Mutual & Chrysler have become
history themselves; Bill Gates & Warren Buffet - as if by accident
- converted their for-profit multibillion dollar operations into
private, non-profit charities just a year or two before the domestic &
global economy tanked to a degree not experienced since almost a
century. Last winter a rumor went around that Buffet, the 'oracle of
Omaha' and apparently richest man in the U.S. was going broke. This
April it became official: Bloomberg reported that Berkshire Hathaway
assets had lost 97 % of their value the first quarter of 2009 - a 97 %
loss is as good a definition of bankruptcy as anyone is ever likely
going to get. In my locker room the other day I overheard a
conversation between two brokers: Remember the last time Capital
Management went broke in 1998? One wonders what made the Fund liquid
all over again other than the printing press being turned on to print
dollars backed by no corresponding economic value.
What is really happening is that the leaders of both systems, the
capitalist and the communist one, are loath to look reality fair and
square in the face: Both systems are non-functional, and have been so
for some time, both systems have created an environmental devastation
of historic proportions, both systems have failed in their basic
promises to give air, water, food, shelter, and clothing to all of
humanity, and both systems if we plan to survive need to be replaced
by something radically different.
At this point enters Henry George, the maverick economist and
probably most underrated social thinker of the last 150 years: Henry
George urges us to study economic principles & apply them. In many
class room discussions over the past years and decades students often
interpret George either in capitalist-free-market or in communist-
socialist terms. I used to indulge them, but lately I have come around
to a different station point more in line with reality. If you come
from either system and you are trying to interpret the works of Henry
George in either Capitalist or Communist terms - as laudable as this
effort may appear in itself - you will certainly miss what is most
essential, most vital & best about Henry George. In other words
you will miss George and the economic analysis and solutions to
present day economic problems altogether!
The old story of the Zen master comes to mind who received an
aspiring student and kept pouring him a cup of tea till, indeed, the
cup overflowed, and the table was completely flooded. Upon the
vehement protest of the student the Master alerted him of the fact,
that he could not have any fresh tea at all as long as the cup he was
bringing was filled to the brim to begin with. In other words if our
minds are full of old, pre-conceived notions we will not be able to
understand anything radically new and if reality would take a
radically unexpected turn we might be left out in the dark and cold on
the curb clueless and scared.
What is scandalous and scary about capitalism and communism is not
what distinguishes them to mutual exclusivity and a nuclear
to-the-death struggle has we have been brainwashed to believe for a
near century and a half in all hemispheres, but what they hold in
common, or more clearly stated: the huge blind spot they both hold in
common. To illustrate I would like to use an example that may at first
appear anecdotal. Standing in line in a bank to cash a check I
recently overheard the following conversation of two people directly
in front of me. It must have been April or May, when seasons change
from winter into summer in New York without bothering to engage
"I hate this kind of weather," said the first person. "Yes?"
queried the second. "It's too warm to turn the heat on, but it's
too cold for air condition either!"
In other words the weather was perfectly bearable & needed no
squandering of any natural resources at all. How alienated can we get?
Or rather how alienated can get those masters of thought who become
the foundation, yea, indeed, the very bedrock of our cultures and
civilizations. Adam Smith and Karl Marx both pay lip service to the
three factors of classical economics: land, labor, capital, but then
seem to be struck be amnesia regarding land (or nature, raw materials,
natural resources etc.) and continue the calculation and the
organization of society in complete disregard and ignorance of it.
Environmental destruction was actually worse in countries behind the
Iron Curtain, but we have by no means gotten a handle on the problem
in the West "this side of paradise." We have seen Argentina
in economic dire straits earlier this decade, the whole nation of
Iceland has gone bankrupt recently because they mistook their land for
a hedge fund. We are told California and Great Britain are on the
verge of bankruptcy, worse still the trade papers threaten to take GB
from their AAA financial rating status. The question is here how
sensible is it to define and characterize entire countries, indeed,
the world by their more or less appetizing features for venture
capital investments. "Human capital", "natural capital"
and other terms are there to fudge important economic distinction and
turn all of us into cannon fodder for the speculator and the
monopolist. Oliver Stone has been asked for some time to resurrect his
"Greed-is-good" Wall Street banker Gordon Gecko. He resisted
this suggestion with the laconic comment: That would be like
glorifying pigs.
How much now does the concept of man in both systems on which these
rating practices are based, the economic man or homo oeconomicus,
correspond to our actual experience of reality?
The concept of "economic man" is not humanist at all as has
often been argued, it does not derive from the renaissance &
it is so reductionist that it defies all description. The renaissance
has given us the proverbial renaissance man, meaning that human
individual that is versatile and developed in many directions, by no
means reduced to the cycle of production - consumption - ejection
only. The conception of the human of the renaissance, on the contrary
functions on many levels: physical, artistic, theoretical, spiritual,
integral - to name only a few. That is, it is not confined to the
material exclusively. Capitalism as we know it is doomed to failure in
the very near future, not because I or a good number of like-minded
social thinkers may say so, but because it does not allow us to live
up to our full human potential, because it does not see humanity
fairly & squarely as part of nature, and because it disrespects &
defies natural law to a degree to which both world & humanity
quite abruptly become unredeemable.
At heart our inability to conceive of the future and to conceive of
the new may be illustrated with the example of parents and child.
A child may resemble both or either of its parents to an uncanny
degree, at the same time it will bring in character traits, and a
unique identity not contained or explainable from the character of
either parent.
In formal logic one of the basic principles states that A = A and may
not at the same time be unequal A. This principle is called tertium
In history & social science this principle would have to be
Tertium datur!
We often get asked if the Keynesian approach of the present
government will enable us to overcome the present crisis, this Point
Of View gets most prominently championed by Nobel Prize winning
economist Paul Krugman in his New York Times editorials. As laudable
as Keynes and Galbraith's contributions to the science of economics
may be, what often gets forgotten is that deficit spending is but a
fire-fighting measure that would bankrupt any state when used
long-term. It was never meant as anything else. What would now be the
Georgist precepts to overcome the crisis?
- First: end the love-fest of the Fed & the S.E.C. with the
multi-billion dollar hedge funds
- Second: the de-emphasizing of financial capital in favor of
productive capital
- Third: the abolition of rewarding resources speculators with
public funds
- Fourth: the abolition of taxes on labor and production
- Fifth: the institution of a public fund created out of
resources user's fee
- Sixth: the cleaning up of the environmental defalcation through
the rigorous application of the causative principle
- Seventh: the furthering of R & D and consequent
implementation of natural energy sources like solar, air, water,
even electric & the gradual phasing out of the rapacious ones,
oil, coal, gas, all those resources whose combustion would
contribute to the greenhouse effect