

Henry George Reconsidered

Rhoda Hellman



"Rhoda Hellman was born in New York City and graduated from Vassar College, majoring in French and Italian. For many years she was a freelance reader for Aldred Knopf, Farrar Straus & Giroux and other publishers, reviewing French, German and Italian works of fiction. She also wrote book reviews for The New York Times, translated portions of books on art and taught English to foreigners under the Refugee Education Committee Active in the Stevenson and Kennedy presidential campaigns, she later served on the New York County Democratic Committee.

It was by chance that she attended the Henry George School. Progress and Poverty made such an impression on her as literature and philosophy that she undertook to explore why its essential economic principle had received so little application. Although somewhat at oddswith the beliefs of the Georgist movement, she was involved with it intermittently for over twenty-five years, researching its history and visiting its classes and conferences, while declining all proffered positions with it. She feels that this unusual relationship to the movement -- as both insider and outsider -- has enabled her to reach a fresh perspective on Henry George."