How We Georgists See the State of the World
Charles O'Connor Hennessy
[Address delivered at the Fourth International
Conference of the International Union for Land Value Taxation and Free
Trade, Edinburgh, Scotland, 29 July 1929]
I AM happy that the honour has again come to me to preside over a
meeting of the followers of Henry George from many parts of the world.
We are glad to be in this historic and picturesque city, famed for
literature and learning, with its reminders of great men of the past
who have laboured here for education, for science, for human progress
and for liberty. And those of you who are native to this land, and who
may seek for genealogical clues to the greatness of particular men,
must find interest in the fact that from Scotland, and from over the
border in Yorkshire, came the ancestors of Henry George, the great
citizen of the world whose philosophy of justice and social
regeneration has brought us together in this Conference. Coming as the
followers of a philosopher who was as well a great economist, and a
lover of justice and the rights of men, we would associate ourselves
particularly with the names of Adam Smith and Patrick Edward Dove, who
lived and lie buried in this city. Nor would we wish to forget Thomas
Muir, Thomas F. Palmer, William Skirving, Maurice Margard and Joseph
Gerrald, those martyrs of the struggle for political liberty in this
part of the world whose monument rises nearby, in the Old Calton
Burying Ground.
I think I may speak for those who have come from lands beyond the
seas-from the European Continent, from the United States and Canada,
or from the far-away Australian States, in saying that we feel
ourselves in a congenial atmosphere here, not merely because Britain
has always yielded a generous response to liberal ideas and ideals,
but because, in Scotland particularly, there has never been a scarcity
of men to speak bravely and labour faithfully for the cause of
economic freedom and social justice which we aim here to represent. I
trust it will not be deemed out of place if I, as a citizen of another
country, may take the liberty to congratulate ourselves upon the happy
circumstance that here in Great Britain, as three years ago when we
met in Denmark, we find a Government in power that seems friendly to
the cause which we are assembled here to promote. In Copenhagen we
were honoured by having the chambers of Parliament opened for our
deliberations, and were the recipients of messages of generous
sympathy for our aims and purposes from eminent Cabinet Ministers of
the Danish kingdom. At the beginning of our deliberations here in
Scotland, we pause to give thanks to those Members of the British
Parliament, one hundred or more in number, who have done us the honour
to send messages acclaiming our meeting here. And if we may not enjoy
the privilege, as we did in Denmark, of hearing a sympathetic address
from the Finance Minister of the country, we must not fail to
acknowledge our sense of indebtedness to Mr. Philip Snowden,
Chancellor of the Exchequer, who has recently in a fine foreword to
the new abridgment of Henry George's "Protection or Free Trade,"
strongly commended the study of that enlightening book to his
fellow-countrymen. Surely the world is growing toward Henry George .
One of the purposes of this Conference is to celebrate in suitable
manner the Fiftieth Anniversary of the first publication of that
immortal classic, "Progress and Poverty." Recently Professor
John Dewey, noted American philosopher, writing about this book,
declared that he found in it " the analysis of the scientist
combined with the sympathies and aspirations of a great lover of
mankind." It was fifty years ago that Henry George first revealed
the insidious forces and tendencies that seemed to him to threaten the
progress of any civilization which aims at the elevation and happiness
of the human family. At the very heart of the way of life of the
organized peoples of the world he found ominous signs of the canker of
decay. He demonstrated the cause and proposed the cure for what was
and is the matter with the world. He vividly delineated the enigma of
the persistence of poverty amid increased and increasing wealth. Where
civilization was manifesting itself in vast accumulations in the hands
of individuals, in great institutions devoted to learning or to
religion, in stores of the book knowledge of the ages, in the progress
of the arts and sciences, in the inventions and discoveries designed
to magnify the effectiveness of labour, to improve communication and
facilitate co-operation between peoples, to lighten toil and brighten
human lives - there, where these things were most in evidence, he
pointed to the anomaly of millions of people in every country
struggling for a living, or steeped in degrading poverty. To the
widespread social and economic dislocation which he revealed, it was
not difficult to trace the unspeakable slums of great cities, the
warfare of classes, the prevalence of vice, crime and preventable
disease, as well as most of the ills, material and spiritual - even
unto the curse of War - from which the world has suffered and is
We are here from many countries to bear witness that a half-century
after the first appearance of Henry George's fearful diagnosis of a
vast social disease, the symptoms still persist. The cure remains to
be applied. The social anatomist who to-day would strike below the
surface of the body of human society as it exists in all civilized
countries> must find there a conflict of forces that may well be
taken to foreshadow disintegration and disaster to the social fabric.
As in 1879, when this book was written, we can discern widespread
social unrest in the world. Industrial depression and unemployment are
common to many countries, and even in the nominally "prosperous"
United States great numbers live in poverty, or close to its border
line, and remedies for unemployment are now being sought in still more
restrictive immigration laws, and in prohibitive tariff taxes.
Henry George predicted that the enormous increase in the power to
produce wealth which had marked his century, due to invention and
discovery and the improvement of communications, would continue to go
on with accelerating" ratio. This has come true to an enormous
extent in all so-called civilized countries - most especially in the
United States of America. But without the establishment of economic
freedom in the processes of producing wealth and justice in its
distribution, he predicted that increased wealth must benefit the few
rather than the many. It would have, broadly speaking, no tendency to
extirpate poverty and the social evils which poverty engenders, no
influence in elevating society as a whole or in lightening the burdens
of those compelled to toil for a living. Again his prophesy has been
realized. For increasing wealth, and the condition that is referred to
as national prosperity, far from assuring contentment and abundance
for all, has tended only to widen the gulf between the very rich and
the very poor, and to make more intense the struggle for existence
that engages the lives of millions of human beings, even in richest
If I would appear to single out my own country, the country of Henry
George, as to-day's most terrible example of perverted social
progress, it is not because I would have you believe that the average
American citizen is less intelligent, less moral, or less humane than
the citizen of any other country. No informed or observant person, in
my opinion, could sustain such a contention. Nor would I wish it to be
inferred that American statesmenship is to-day more blind or more
backward than the statesmanship of other countries. I do not believe
anything of that sort. We followers of Henry George would indict no
particular country, nor accuse particular individuals anywhere. We
seek to arraign at the bar of the enlightened public opinion of the
world an evil
system, long sanctioned by the statesmen and accepted by a
majority of the people of all civilized countries.
But if I am to attempt (by way of vindicating the wisdom and the
prescience of Henry George) to delineate the effects of material
progress and prosperity upon the condition and the tendencies of
present-day civilization everywhere, I must, of necessity, put the
United States of America in the very foreground of the picture. For
the United States is now, by far, the richest and most powerful of the
nations. It seems to have reached a veritable high tide of material
success, and to be realizing as a result those effects which, in our
opinion, must naturally, and in all countries, flow from the
maintenance of the fundamental injustice of the private monopoly of a
country's natural resources, which injustice, as Henry George
demonstrated by unanswerable argument and analysis, is the basic cause
of poverty amid progress.
It is common knowledge that American private fortunes are reaching a
magnitude unparalleled in historic times. And while many of the
greatly rich spend large sums of money in vulgar ostentation and
display, or in wanton wastefulness or extravagance, not a few are
seeking, by works of mercy and charity, to ameliorate the conditions
that afflict the less fortunate. Many of these rich people, also, out
of a public and benevolent spirit, or animated in some cases, perhaps,
by the very embarrassment of their riches, are giving generously to
institutions of art and science, of education and religion. So that,
in the United States, one of the results of great material progress is
that we are coming to have the most liberally endowed colleges, art
galleries, libraries, and churches in the world.
Has all this, one may ask, made for a better, happier, more cultured
America? I am sorry to say that many facts seem to prove that the very
contrary is true. I refer to facts that relate not only to the
necessity for vast expenditures in public and private charities, but
facts about high living costs and small incomes for the great majority
of workers on the farms or in the factories; facts about the low and
cynical or irreligious mental outlook of great masses of the American
people; facts about strikes and unemployment, failed banking
institutions and the prevailing quest after unearned fortune through
wild speculation in land values, on the race track or in the stock
market; facts about unfit and inadequate housing conditions,
especially in our cities, where are planted the seeds of corrupt
politics, of crime and of all moral and physical degradation.
Is all this an overdrawn picture, an exaggeration of the facts? I
assure you it is the solemn truth - truth that any serious
investigator, American or European, may discover for himself, if he
will but look below the surface appearances of the widespread American
scene. I make my statements with a sober sense of my responsibility as
an American business man, and respecting the honour and dignity of the
high office to which you have called me in this international
organization. I cannot stop to marshal the evidence here, but I may
mention one striking significant fact of recent happening. I refer to
the report of the Crime Commission of that learned, respected and
conservative body, the American Bar Association. This report tells us
that a steady increase in crime and in disrespect for law has been
growing for the last thirty years. These eminent lawyers give
appalling statistics of the crimes of violence and against property
that are rampant in the large cities of the country, where wealth and
poverty are brought into sharpest contrasts. This Bar Association
report declares that no less than twelve thousand persons in the
United States meet violent death by murder every year. British
delegates to this Conference and those from the Continent and from far
countries overseas will tell us, no doubt, that these symptoms of
social decay which may be observed in the richest country in the
world, are, in greater or less intensity, to be observed in London,
Manchester, Glasgow, and even here in Edinburgh; in Paris and Berlin,
in places so diverse and so distant as Melbourne and Toronto. So it
still remains true that material progress in every civilized land
seems to carry the seeds of its own destruction. "In the shadow
of college, library and museum," warned Henry George, "are
gathering the more hideous Huns and fiercer Vandals of whom Macaulay
It was the late Duke of Argyll, a noted Scotsman, who first attached
the name of " prophet" to Henry George. Of old, in the
Scripture, it was said that a prophet was not without honour except in
his own country. As an American, I am sorry to say that this is true
in large degree of this great man, whose writings have influenced men
and governments in many countries beside his own. In the light of the
history of the fifty years that have gone since "Progress and
Poverty" first appeared, no comprehending reader of it may now
doubt the extraordinary accuracy of the thought and vision of its
author; that he was seer as well as prophet - an unerring
diagnostician of the social and economic ailments of the world and of
their cure, an inspired preacher of the eminence is now coming to be
recognized by discerning leaders of thought, even in his own land. New
editions of his books are appearing, and in many American colleges and
universities where, in the past, his teachings have been avoided,
young men and women now are learning the lessons that he taught. The
great truth that he sought to make plain is slowly but surely, we
believe, making its way to the minds of men. We believe it to be a
truth most potent for social welfare everywhere, a truth the
recognition of which by mankind generally would regenerate and
revivify human associations everywhere. This truth is that the social
and economic dislocations which afflict the world arise because of
that fundamental violation of natural law involved in the denial to
human beings of their equal and inalienable rights to the use of the
Earth. Out of this perversion of natural law and this denial of
fundamental human rights sanctioned by the governments of the world,
arises in every country the great issues comprehended in the Land
Question and its portentous implications. These issues will, I hope,
be appropriately dealt with in a declaration which will be offered for
the approval of this Conference.
Because this is an international gathering, and because good men and
women in every part of the world are now actively concerning
themselves about questions of Peace and War, of Disarmament, of
Conciliation and Arbitration, we would point out how vital to any
permanent settlement of such questions is the solution of the economic
problems to which we would first direct attention. More than ten years
ago there came to an end that world tragedy which for evil
destructiveness was without parallel in the history of humanity. It
sacrificed millions of lives, mostly the lives of young men. Millions
more were brutally maimed for life. Suffering and privation were
shared not only by the soldiers who survived, but in many countries,
by civilian populations who, even to this day, must struggle with the
weight of war debts, ruinous taxes and paralyzed industries. No
wonder, then, that people everywhere have been voicing the hope that
War as an institution may soon be banished from the world, so that
people, relieved from the burdens and fears of preparing for new wars,
might pursue normal and happy lives hereafter. As never before,
thoughtful men and women have been brought to realize that savagery
and barbaric ruthlessness are of the very nature of modern war; that
it grows by what it feeds upon and that not the least of its evils is
the destructive psychology which it creates - the vast and insidious
lies and hates that destroy the spirit of amity between friendly
peoples. Nor must we forget that the men in my country and in yours
whose profession it is to improve the technique and effectiveness of
War, have given us hints of unmentionable horrors and barbarities when
next the world goes to war.
Here again, as at Copenhagen three years ago, this Conference will be
moved to. warn the friends of World Peace not to be deceived by
appearances. Peace is not in sight, and War and all that it means in
burdens to be borne in the present and in moral and material horrors
and losses to be faced in the future, still remains with the world.
True, there has been at Locarno a solemn gesture of worthy intention
and good-will between the nations. But Locarno must always seem
somewhat unrelated to reality so long as governments take no steps to
remove the root causes of poverty in every country. From the
perversion or interference with natural laws flow the social and
political phenomena involved in industrial depression, unemployment,
the warfare of classes at home, the struggle for international markets
and privileges abroad; international fears and jealousies, and those
selfish national policies which aim to advance the welfare of one
people by rendering injury to another.
True, we have had the Kellogg-Briand Pact to outlaw War, which has
been hailed, in my country at least, as a triumph of peace-making
diplomacy. How seriously, may we ask, can sensible men and women
regard this Pact of Paris if they would frankly view it in the light,
not only of its qualifications and reservations, but of the undeniable
fact that War and the preparations for War remain the greatest
industry of most of the large and so-called civilized nations which
subscribe to this Treaty. The dominant political party, which in the
United States sponsored this Peace gesture, is the same which now
builds new battleships, and, in the interest of powerful privileged
classes is proposing new tariff barriers against the friendly commerce
of the world; proposals that have already evoked formal protests by
the representatives of many nations, and angry threats of reprisal
from Europe and South America.
Let us who are followers of Henry George, citizen of the world, who
hated war not only for what it is in itself but because he loved
justice and his fellow-men, here again declare that war can never be
banished by mere denunciation or renunciation, by treaties that make
gestures, however sincere, of friendship and good-will, nor by any
formula of disarmament that politicians, however honest, may be able
to devise. These, we believe, are the ways of blindness and futility,
as any critical or reflective thinking must, we think, reveal.
Since we last met, there has been held the World Economic Conference
at Geneva summoned by the League of Nations, to which fifty nations
sent representatives. It deliberated for some weeks in 1927, and
adjourned, after agreement upon a striking statement respecting the
interdependence of the economic causes of war and industrial
depression. An increase in the number and the altitude of tariff
barriers set up in Europe since the Peace of Versailles was agreed
upon as one of the chief sources of Europe's economic troubles. The
President, Monsieur Theunis of Belgium, summarized the European
situation in a few words: -
"The main trouble now," said M. Theunis, "is
neither any material shortage of the resources of nature, nor any
inadequacy in man's power to exploit them. It is all, in one form or
another, a maladjustment; not an insufficient productive capacity,
but a series of impediments to the full utilization of that
capacity. The main obstacles to economic revival have been the
hindrances opposed to the free flow of labour, capital and goods."
Well, what may we ask, has been accomplished by the governments of
the world toward the removal of those "main obstacles to economic
revival" pointed out two years ago in the unanimous report of the
representatives of the fifty nations who composed the World Economic
Conference? The answer is - practically nothing. The spirit of
selfishness, greed and fear seems still to dominate international
politics. The menace of industrial depression, of unemployment, and of
new wars remains with the world.
And how about the proposals for Disarmament, to which so many good
and sincere people in every country attach so great importance as
measures for ending War? At the time when we were in session in
Denmark the League of Nations was, on motion of a distinguished
Frenchman, setting up a Commission on Disarmament to establish the
basis upon which the danger of new conflicts might be reduced, by
limiting or abolishing the machinery of wars. This movement, it
appears to some of us, seems to be based upon an idealism that ignores
the realities. It seems a proposal for doctoring the symptoms of a
disease while leaving the disease itself untouched. It is now more
than ten years since, at Versailles, Monsieur Clemenceau speaking for
the allied and associated nations, which had imposed a peace of
conquest and disarmament upon the losing side in the World War,
solemnly made the pledge that the nations of the winning side would
also begin to disarm. It is well to recall the solemn words of Premier
Clemenceau: -
"The disarmament of Germany also constitutes the
first step towards that general reduction and limitation of
armaments which it will be one of the first duties of the League of
Nations to urge."
We may now recall that this promise to disarm was also embodied in
the League Covenant, and in the body of the Peace Treaties as well.
Now what, may we ask, has been accomplished toward Disarmament? Seven
years after Versailles, in 1926, the assembly of the League of Nations
set up the Commission on Disarmament. Six times since then, earnest
men of different nationalities, including my own, have gathered around
the council table at Geneva and have sought to find through this
formula the way out of war. The result of it all has been nothing more
effective for peace than what your Manchester Guardian
referred to as "speeches, discouragement and futility."
Just before I left New York the newspaper cables from this side
reported a speech in Sheffield of the First Lord of the British
Admiralty, Mr Alexander, voicing the sentiment that " Britishers
need not fear that the Labour Government will sacrifice security in
the haste for Disarmament." The First Lord was, I believe, making
reference to the question of accord with the Government of the United
States on matters of naval limitation as between the two great
English-speaking nations. On my side of the ocean the same sort of
fear prevails. It seems to reflect feelings that are the opposite of
faith and trust in the mutual pacific covenants of the Kellogg pact.
The late President of the United States, Mr Coolidge, in addressing a
great audience last Armistice Day, said that "we must be careful
not to sacrifice preparedness in our desire for Peace." This
state of mind, ten years after the dreadful lessons of the Great War
that was to end war, ten years after the founding of the League of
Nations, and within a year after the signing of the Kellogg-Briand
Treaty, is not common to the English-speaking peoples alone. Across
the Channel, France now maintains the greatest war-making machine on
the Continent, and in the pursuit of this ideal of preparedness and
security, also maintains an army in the Rhineland. In Italy, the armed
forces on the sea and land and in the air are constantly growing, and
Italian dictatorship tells us that it is not for offence, but for
security, that these conditions are maintained.
We would call upon statesmenship to look behind war, and the
armaments and instruments of war, for the economic dislocations which
pervert the normal course of the lives of human beings and of nations
alike. We would ask statesmen to face frankly the question of the
meanings of the signs of the times. Is the road that people call
Civilization leading the human family upward toward life, happy and
abundant for everybody, or downward to some hell for rich and poor
Men may cry "Peace! Peace!" but there can be no lasting
peace until the root
causes of War are recognized and removed; until the peoples
may be led to accept a new and simple philosophy of human
relationships - that of equal rights for all, freedom for all, justice
for all. Political peace and economic war are irreconcilable. There
can be no political peace at home or abroad unless it is founded upon
co-operation in freedom and in mutual friendship and respect. There
can be no security that will endure, until justice is established at
home and abroad. We would not disparage the efforts nor impeach the
sincerity of those who labour for Disarmament or for Conciliation. We
feel that they are engaged in the most difficult if not impossible of
labours, which, even if successful, would but serve as palliatives,
rather than a cure.
We honour, also, those fine spirits of the League of Nations, who
sincerely labour for Peace; especially the spokesmen in the League
Assembly of those smaller nations, whose statesmen, we believe, can
see more clearly and speak more bravely about the political realities
of these times. Nor are we disposed to underestimate the good work
that has been done in strengthening the machinery and broadening the
jurisdiction of the World Court for the adjudication of disputes
between nations. But these things at this time seem to us to be of
small avail. The most helpful approach to a true and peaceful concert
of nations in the interest of permanent World Peace must lie, as
Professor Dewey recently pointed out, not in the field of political
diplomacy, but along the road of economic freedom and justice that
leads to a realization of the common interests of the peoples of the
All this we believe can be translated into living truth and reality
whenever men of faith and good-will are ready for it. For Henry George
was more than a moral idealist and scientific expositor of the eternal
verities of political economy as applied to human relationships. He
was more than a universal humanist, whose philosophy could win a
Tolstoy in Russia, a Sun Yat Sen in China, and enthusiastic followers
in every civilized land. He was, beyond all this, a farseeing
statesman and skilful politician, who clearly delineated the
progressive steps which might be taken in any country to advance the
ultimate translation into the law of the land of the principles of
economic justice. But he counselled political education before
politics; the awakening of the public mind to a realization of the
justice and necessity of a great change, flight thinking, he believed,
could best be advanced through public discussion, whenever policies or
proposals involving these principles had reached the arena of
practical politics, as they have in Great Britain and in Denmark at
this time. He proposed a simple political formula aimed at the evils
of land monopoly, whereby the restrictions upon and obstructions to
the production and distribution of wealth might gradually be removed,
and the blessings of economic freedom ultimately be established
throughout the world. It is a formula that accords not only with
justice and expediency, but which is not unfamiliar to the people of
all self-governing countries. This formula we briefly express in the
statement of the objects which this Union of ours is organized to
promote and advance. These objects are Land Value Taxation and Free
Trade. We aim to open the door of opportunity to capital and labour
alike by abolishing every tax or impost, internal or external, that
interferes with the freedom of men to employ their highest capacities
in the production or exchange of wealth.
A philosopher has given currency to the pregnant aphorism that "the
power to tax is the power to destroy." And we, being convinced
that common and equal rights to the use of land are indispensable to
freedom and effectiveness in the production of wealth and to justice
in its distribution, aim to destroy land monopoly through the
processes of taxation. That is, we would resort for public revenues to
taxes upon the values given to particular land sites by the
competition for their use made necessary by the activities and the
growth of community life. By the operation, as it were, of a
beneficent natural law we find that the value of land tends constantly
to rise as demand for its use is increased by the manifold activities
of organized communities - by the results of public expenditure, by
all the amenities and conveniences of what is called civilized life.
That is, land values, arising out of the association and co-operation
of people, are essentially a community product. By every test then, of
logic or of equity, the policy we advocate justifies itself. To quote
Henry George, "We would simply take for the community what
belongs to the community, and leave sacredly to the individual all
that belongs to the individual."
And in the international field we aim to teach the world that the
highest interests of the people of every land are identical with the
interests of the people of every other land ; that human interests are
interwoven and interdependent, and that only under conditions of
freedom, of mutual trust, and of friendly co-operation may men or
nations attain to the highest destiny, material or spiritual, that God
makes possible for them. In brief, it is our purpose as an
organization, in the interest of peace, prosperity and human
happiness, to extend the area of freedom in every land, not only
because we are convinced that this is the way to uplift the material
welfare of mankind, but also because it accords with justice and the
moral law. Here in the language of our inspired teacher is the
conclusion of the whole matter: -
"That we should do unto others as we would have them
do unto us ; that we should respect the rights of others as
scrupulously as we would have our own rights respected, is not a
mere counsel of perfection to individuals, but it is the law
to which we must conform social institutions and national policies
if we would secure the blessings of abundance and peace."
And, taking note of our place of meeting to-day, I think I may well
conclude by expressing what is in the hearts of all of us, wherever
our homelands may be, in the lines of a famous poem, recently publicly
quoted by no less a person than Herbert Hoover, President of the
United States:
"Then let us pray that come it may,
As come it will for a' that,
That man to man, the warld o'er,
Shall brothers be for a' that."