The Correspondence of Thomas Jefferson
By Subject
Your letter of August the 15th was received in due time, and with the
welcome of everything which comes from you. With its opinions on the
difficulties of revolutions from despotism to freedom, I very much
concur. The generation which commences a revolution rarely completes
it. Habituated from their infancy to passive submission of body and
mind to their kings and priests, they are not qualified when called on
to think and provide for themselves; and their inexperience, their
ignorance and bigotry make them instruments often, in the hands of the
Bonapartes and Iturbides, to defeat their own rights and purposes.
This is the present situation of Europe and Spanish America. But it is
not desperate. The light which has been shed on mankind by the art of
printing, has eminently changed the condition of the world. As yet,
that light has dawned on the middling classes only of the men in
Europe. The kings and the rabble, of equal ignorance, have not yet
received its rays; but it continues to spread, and while printing is
preserved, it can no more recede than the sun return on his course. A
first attempt to recover the right of self-government may fail, so may
a second, a third, etc. But as a younger and more instructed race
comes on, the sentiment becomes more and more intuitive, and a fourth,
a fifth, or some subsequent one of the ever renewed attempts will
ultimately succeed.
to John Adams, 4 September 1823