We Stand at Armageddon,
and We Battle for the Lord
Theodore Roosevelt
[Excerpted from A Confession of Faith,
delivered in Chicago, Illinois, 6 August 1912]
The burden of municipal taxation
should be so shifted as to put the weight ... upon the unearned
rise in value of the land itself, rather than upon the
improvements, the buildings; the effort being to prevent the
undue rise of rent." [From: Politics and People: The
Ordeal of Self-Government in America, p. 549]
To you, men and women who have come here to this great city of this
great State formally to launch a new party, a party of the people of
the whole Union, the National Progressive Party, I extend my hearty
greeting. You are taking a bold and a greatly needed step for the
service of our beloved country. The old parties are husks, with no
real soul within either, divided on artificial lines, boss-ridden and
privilege-controlled, each a jumble of incongruous elements, and
neither daring to speak out wisely and fearlessly what should be said
on the vital issues of the day. This new movement is a movement of
truth, sincerity, and wisdom, a movement which proposes to put at the
service of all our people the collective power of the people, through
their Governmental agencies, alike in the Nation and in the several
States. We propose boldly to face the real and great questions of the
day, and not skillfully to evade them as do the old parties. We
propose to raise aloft a standard to which all honest men can repair,
and under which all can fight, no matter what their past political
differences, if they are content to face the future and no longer to
dwell among the dead issues of the past. We propose to put forth a
platform which shall not be a platform of the ordinary and insincere
kind, but shall be a contract with the people; and, if the people
accept this contract by putting us in power, we shall hold ourselves
under honorable obligation to fulfill every promise it contains as
loyally as if it were actually enforceable under the penalties of the
law. ...
There is no body of our people whose interests are more inextricably
interwoven with the interests of all the people than is the case with
the farmers. The Country Life Commission should be revived with
greatly increased powers; its abandonment was a severe blow to the
interests of our people. The welfare of the farmer is a basic need of
this Nation. It is the men from the farm who in the past have taken
the lead in every great movement within this Nation, whether in time
of war or in time of peace. It is well to have our cities prosper, but
it is not well if they prosper at the expense of the country. I am
glad to say that in many sections of our country there has been an
extraordinary revival of recent years in intelligent interest in and
work for those who live in the open country. In this movement the lead
must be taken by the farmers themselves; but our people as a whole,
through their governmental agencies, should back the farmers.
Everything possible should be done to better the economic condition of
the farmer, and also to increase the social value of the life of the
farmer, the farmer's wife, and their children. The burdens of labor
and loneliness bear heavily on the women in the country; their welfare
should be the especial concern of all of us. Everything possible
should be done to make life in the country profitable so as to be
attractive from the economic standpoint and also to give an outlet
among farming people for those forms of activity which now tend to
make life in the cities especially desirable for ambitious men and
women. There should be just the same chance to live as full, as
well-rounded, and as highly useful lives in the country as in the
The Government must co-operate with the farmer to make the farm more
productive. There must be no skinning of the soil. The farm should be
left to the farmer's soil in better, and not worse, condition because
of its cultivation. Moreover, every invention and improvement, every
discovery and economy, should be at the service of the farmer in the
work of production; and, in addition, he should be helped to
co-operate in business fashion with his fellows, so that the money
paid by the consumer for the product of the soil shall to as large a
degree as possible go into the pockets of the man who raised that
product from the soil. So long as the farmer leaves co-operative
activities with their profit-sharing to the city man of business, so
long will the foundations of wealth be undermined and the comforts of
enlightenment be impossible in the country communities. In every
respect this Nation has to learn the lessons of efficiency in
production and distribution, and of avoidance of waste and
destruction; we must develop and improve instead of exhausting our
resources. It is entirely possible by improvements in production, in
the avoidance of waste, and in business methods on the part of the
farmer to give him all increased income from his farm while at the
same time reducing to the consumer the price of the articles raised on
the farm. Important although education is everywhere, it has a special
importance in the country. The country school must fit the country
life; in the country, as elsewhere, education must be hitched up with
life. The country church and the country Young Men's and Young Women's
Christian Associations have great parts to play. The farmers must own
and work their own land; steps must be taken at once to put a stop to
the tendency towards absentee landlordism and tenant farming; this is
one of the most imperative duties confronting the Nation. The question
of rural banking and rural credits is also of immediate importance.
There can be no more important question than the high cost of living
necessities. The main purpose of the Progressive movement is to place
the American people in possession of their birthright, to secure for
all the American people unobstructed access to the fountains of
measureless prosperity which their Creator offers them. We in this
country are blessed with great natural resources, and our men and
women have a very high standard of intelligence and of industrial
capacity. Surely such being the case, we cannot permanently support
conditions under which each family finds it increasingly difficult to
secure the necessaries of life and a fair share of its comforts
through the earnings of its members.
The cost of living in this country has risen during the last few
years out of all proportion to the increase in the rate of most
salaries and wages; the same situation confronts alike the majority of
wage-workers, small business men, small professional men, the clerks,
the doctors, clergymen. Now, grave though the problem is, there is one
way to make it graver, and that is to deal with it insincerely, to
advance false remedies, to promise the impossible. Our opponents,
Republicans and Democrats alike, propose to deal with it in this way.
The Republicans in their platform promise all inquiry into the facts.
Most certainly there should be such inquiry. But the way the present
Administration has failed to keep its promises in the past, and the
rank dishonesty of action on the part of the Penrose-Barnes-Guggenheim
National Convention, makes their every promise worthless.
The Democratic platform affects to find the entire cause of the high
cost of living in the tariff, and promises to remedy it by free trade,
especially free trade in the necessaries of life. In the first place,
this attitude ignores the patent fact that the problem is world-wide,
that everywhere, in England and France, as in Germany and Japan, it
appears with greater or less severity; that in England, for instance,
it has become a very severe problem, although neither the tariff nor,
save to a small degree, the trusts can there have any possible effect
upon the situation. In the second place, the Democratic platform, if
it is sincere, must mean that all duties will be taken off the
products of the farmer. Yet most certainly we cannot afford to have
the farmer struck down. The welfare of the tiller of the soil is as
important as the welfare of the wage worker himself, and we must
sedulously guard both.
The farmer, the producer of the necessities of life, can himself live
only if he raises these necessities for a profit. On the other hand,
the consumer who must have that farmer's product in order to live,
must be allowed to purchase it at the lowest cost that can give the
farmer his profit, and everything possible must be done to eliminate
any middleman whose function does not tend to increase the cheapness
of distribution of the product; and, moreover, everything must be done
to stop all speculating, all gambling with the bread-basket which has
even the slightest deleterious effect upon the producer and consumer.
There must be legislation which will bring about a closer business
relationship between the farmer and the consumer. Recently experts in
the Agricultural Department have figured that nearly fifty per cent of
the price for agricultural products paid by the consumer goes into the
pockets, not of the farmer, but of various middlemen; and it is
probable that over half of what is thus paid to middlemen is needless,
can be saved by wise business methods (introduced through both law and
custom), and can therefore be returned to the farmer and the consumer.
Through the proposed Inter-State Industrial Commission we can
effectively do away with any arbitrary control by combinations of the
necessities of life. Furthermore, the Governments of the Nation and of
the several States must combine in doing everything they can to make
the farming business profitable, so that he shall get more out of the
soil, and enjoy better business facilities for marketing what he thus
gets. In this manner his return will be increased while the price to
the consumer is diminished. The elimination of the middleman by
agricultural exchanges and by the use of improved business methods
generally, the development of good roads, the reclamation of arid
lands and swamp lands, the improvement in the productivity of farms,
the encouragement of all agencies which tend to bring people back to
the soil and to make country life more interesting as well as more
profitable all these movements will help not only the farmer
but the man who consumes the farmer's products.
There is urgent need of non-partisan expert examination into any
tariff schedule which seems to increase the cost of living, and,
unless the increase thus caused is more than countervailed by the
benefit to the class of the community which actually receives the
protection, it must of course mean that that particular duty must be
reduced. The system of levying a tariff for the protection and
encouragement of American industry so as to secure higher wages and
better conditions of life for American laborers must never be
perverted so as to operate for the impoverishment of those whom it was
intended to benefit. But, in any event, the effect of the tariff on
the cost of living is slight; any householder can satisfy himself of
this fact by considering the increase in price of articles, like milk
and eggs, where the influence of both the tariff and the trusts is
negligible. No conditions have been shown which warrant us in
believing that the abolition of the protective tariff as a whole would
bring any substantial benefit to the consumer, while it would
certainly cause unheard of immediate disaster to all wage-workers, all
business men, and all farmers, and in all probability would
permanently lower the standard of living here.
In order to show the utter futility of the belief that the abolition
of the tariff and the establishment of free trade would remedy the
condition complained of, all that is necessary is to look at the
course of industrial events in England and in Germany during the last
thirty years, the former under free trade, the latter under a
protective system. During these thirty years it is a matter of common
knowledge that Germany has forged ahead relatively to England, and
this not only as regards the employers, but as regards the
wage-earners in short, as regards all members of the industrial
classes. Doubtless, many causes have combined to produce this result;
it is not to be ascribed to the tariff alone, but, on the other hand
it is evident that it could not have come about if a protective tariff
were even a chief cause among many other causes of the high cost of
It is also asserted that the trusts are responsible for the high cost
of living. I have no question that, as regards certain trusts, this is
true. I also have no question that it will continue to be true just as
long as the country confines itself to acting as the Baltimore
platform demands that we act. This demand is, in effect, for the
States and National Government to make the futile attempt to exercise
forty-nine sovereign and conflicting authorities in the effort jointly
to suppress the trusts, while at the same time the National Government
refuses to exercise proper control over them. There will be no
diminution in the cost of trust-made articles so long as our
Government attempts the impossible task of restoring the flint-lock
conditions of business sixty years ago by trusting only to a
succession of lawsuits under the Anti-Trust Law a method which
it has been definitely shown usually results to the benefit of any big
business concern which really ought to be dissolved, but which cause
disturbance and distress to multitudes of smaller concerns. Trusts
which increase production unless they do it wastefully, as in
certain forms of mining and lumbering cannot permanently
increase the cost of living; it is the trusts which limit production,
or which without limiting production, take advantage of the lack of
governmental control, and eliminate competition by combining to
control the market, that cause all increase in the cost of living.
There should be established at once, as I have elsewhere said, under
the National Government an inter-State industrial commission, which
should exercise full supervision over the big industrial concerns
doing an inter-State business into which an element of monopoly
enters. Where these concerns deal with the necessaries of life the
commission should not shrink, if the necessity is proved, of going to
the extent of exercising regulatory control over the conditions that
create or determine monopoly prices.
By such action we shall certainly be able to remove the element of
contributory causation on the part of the trusts and the tariff
towards the high cost of living. There will remain many other
elements. Wrong taxation, including failure to tax swollen
inheritances and unused land and other natural resources held for
speculative purposes, is one of these elements. The modern tendency to
leave the country for the town is another element; and exhaustion of
the soil and poor methods of raising and marketing the products of the
soil make up another element, as I have already shown. Another element
is that of waste and extravagance, individual and National. No laws
which the wit of man can devise will avail to make the community
prosperous if the average individual lives in such fashion that his
expenditure always exceeds his income.
National extravagance that is, the expenditure of money which
is not warranted we can ourselves control, and to some degree
we can help in doing away with the extravagance caused by
international rivalries.
These are all definite methods by which something can be accomplished
in the direction of decreasing the cost of living. All taken together
will not fully meet the situation. There are in it elements which as
yet we do not understand. We can be certain that the remedy proposed
by the Democratic party is a quack remedy. It is just as emphatically
a quack remedy as was the quack remedy, the panacea, the universal
cure-all which they proposed sixteen years ago. It is instructive to
compare what they now say with what they said in 1896. Only sixteen
years ago they were telling us that the decrease in prices was fatal
to our people, that the fall in the production of gold, and, as a
consequence, the fall in the prices of commodities, was responsible
for our ills. Now they ascribe these ills to diametrically opposite
causes, such as the rise in the price of commodities. It may well be
that the immense output of gold during the last few years is partly
responsible for certain phases of the present trouble which is
an instructive commentary on the wisdom of those men who sixteen years
ago insisted that the remedy for everything was to be found in the
mere additional output of coin, silver and gold alike. There is no
more curious delusion than that the Democratic platform is a
Progressive platform. The Democratic platform, representing the best
thought of the acknowledged Democratic leaders at Baltimore, is purely
retrogressive and reactionary. There is no progress in it. It
represents an effort to go back; to put this Nation of a hundred
millions, existing under modern conditions, back to where it was as a
Nation of twenty-five millions in the days of the stage-coach and
canal boat. Such an attitude is toryism, not Progressivism.
In addition, then, to the remedies that we can begin forthwith, there
should be a fearless, intelligent, and searching inquiry into the
whole subject made by an absolutely non-partisan body of experts, with
no prejudices to warp their minds, no object to serve, who shall
recommend any necessary remedy, heedless of what interest may be
helped or hurt thereby, and caring only for the interests of the
people as a whole. ...
There can be no greater issue than that of Conservation in this
country. Just as we must conserve our men, women, and children, so we
must conserve the resources of the land on which they live. We must
conserve the soil so that our children shall have a land that is more
and not less fertile than that our fathers dwelt in. We must conserve
the forests, not by disuse but by use, making them more valuable at
the same time that we use them. We must conserve the mines. Moreover,
we must insure so far as possible the use of certain types of great
natural resources for the benefit of the people as a whole. The public
should not alienate its fee in the water power which will be of
incalculable consequence as a source of power in the immediate future.
The Nation and the States within their several spheres should by
immediate legislation keep the fee of the water power, leasing its use
only for a reasonable length of time on terms that will secure the
interests of the public. Just as the Nation has gone into the work of
irrigation in the West, so it should go into the work of helping
reclaim the swamp lands of the South. We should undertake the complete
development and control of the Mississippi as a National work, just as
we have undertaken the work of building the Panama Canal. We can use
the plant, and we call use the human experience, left free by the
completion of the Panama Canal in so developing the Mississippi as to
make it a mighty highroad of commerce, and a source of fructification
and not of death to the rich and fertile lands lying along its lower
In the West, the forests, the grazing lands, the reserves of every
kind, should be so handled as to be in the interests of the actual
settler, the actual home-maker. He should be encouraged to use them at
once, but in such a way as to preserve and not exhaust them. We do not
intend that our natural resources shall be exploited by the few
against the interests of the many, nor do we intend to turn them over
to any man who will wastefully use them by destruction, and leave to
those who come after us a heritage damaged by just so much. The man in
whose interests we are working is the small farmer and settler, the
man who works with his own hands, who is working not only for himself
but for his children, and who wishes to leave to them the fruits of
his labor. His permanent welfare is the prime factor for consideration
in developing the policy of Conservation; for our aim is to preserve
our natural resources for the public as a whole, for the average man
and the average woman who make up the body of the American people.
Alaska should be developed at once, but in the interest of the actual
settler. In Alaska the Government has an opportunity of starting in
what is almost a fresh field to work out various problems by actual
experiment. The Government should at once construct, own, and operate
the railways in Alaska. The Government should keep the fee of all the
coal-fields and allow them to be operated by lessees with the
condition in the lease that non-use shall operate as a forfeit.
Telegraph lines should be operated as the railways are. Moreover, it
would be well in Alaska to try a system of land taxation which will,
so far as possible, remove all the burdens from those who actually use
the land, whether for building or for agricultural purposes, and will
operate against any man who holds the land for speculation, or derives
an income from it based, not on his own exertions, but on the increase
in value due to activities not his own. There is very real need that
this Nation shall seriously prepare itself for the task of remedying
social injustice and meeting social problems by well-considered
governmental effort; and the best preparation for such wise action is
to test by actual experiment under favorable conditions the device
which we have reason to believe will work well, but which it is
difficult to apply in old settled communities without preliminary
experiment. ...
Surely there never was a fight better worth making than the one in
which we are engaged. It little matters what befalls any one of us who
for the time being stand in the forefront of the battle. I hope we
shall win, and I believe that if we can wake the people to what the
fight really means we shall win. But, win or lose, we shall not
falter. Whatever fate may at the moment overtake any of us, the
movement itself will not stop. Our cause is based on the eternal
principles of righteousness; and even though we who now lead may for
the time fail, in the end the cause itself shall triumph. Six weeks
ago, here in Chicago, I spoke to the honest representatives of a
Convention which was not dominated by honest men; a Convention wherein
sat, alas! a majority of men who, with sneering indifference to every
principle of right, so acted as to bring to a shameful end a party
which had been founded over half a century ago by men in whose souls
burned the fire of lofty endeavor. Now to you men, who, in your turn,
have corne together to spend and be spent in the endless crusade
against wrong, to you who face the future resolute and confident, to
you who strive in a spirit of brotherhood for the betterment of our
Nation, to you who gird yourselves for this great new fight in the
never-ending warfare for the good of humankind, I say in closing what
in that speech I said in closing: We stand at Armageddon, and we
battle for the Lord.