Name |
of Residence |
Labadie, Charles Joseph |
(Detroit) |
- 1850 - Born, April 18, Paw Paw, Michigan
- 1872 - Settled in Detroit
- 1877 - Joined Socialist Labor Party
- 1881 - Opened correspondence with Henry George
- 1883 - Abaondoned socialism and embraced individualist anarchism
- 18-- - Essay, "What Is Socialism," published
- 1933 - Died, 7 October, Detroit
Labadie, Larry |
New York
(Suffern) |
- 1955 - Letter to the editor:
Henry George News, May
Lacey, Jean |
(San Francisco) |
- 1979 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
San Francisco, CA
Lachner, George |
(San Francisco) |
- 1961 - Attended Henry George School conference, Chicago
- 1961 - Elected trustee, Henry George School
- 1961 - Attended Henry George School conference, Hartford, Connecticut
- 1973 - Attended International Union conference, Isle of Man, September
- 1979 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
San Francisco, CA (residing in Hawthorne, New Jersey)
- 1982 - Attended International Union conference, Utrecht, Holland
- 1984 - Attended International Union conference, Cambridge, England
- 1984 - Elected V.P., International Union
- 1984 - Residing in Hawthorne, New Jersey
Lackey, Jean |
New York
(New York) |
- 1942 - Interviewed on radio station WAAT, Jersey City, NJ, regarding her trip around
the world (year not provided); in England she met Herbert Matthews, who introduced her
to the works of Henry George. Upon returning to New York, she discovered the existence
of the Henry George School
- 1942 - In charge of publicity for the Henry George School in New York
- 1943 - Residing in Montreal, Quebec
- 1943 - Attended annual Henry George birthday
celebration, Arden, Delaware; 5 September
- 1944 - Letter to the editor:
regarding the emerging land boom in the USA,
Henry George News, March
Ladejinsky, Wolf |
... |
- 1899 - Born, 15 March, in Katerynopil, Ukraine
- 1921 - Fled from the Soviet Ukraine to the United States
- 1927 - Graduated from Columbia University with a degree in economics
- 1929 - Joined the U.S. Department of Agriculture (with assistance from Rexford
- 1931 - Moved to the Foreign Agricultural Service, specializing in Asian
- 1945 - Assistant to the SCAP staff of General Douglas MacArthur; served as a key
adviser on land reform in Japan and several other Asian nations
- 1951 - Address,
"From a Landlord to a Land Reformer",
delivered at a dinner by the Chinese Assocation
of Land Reform, Taiwan, June
- 1954 - As a New Deal Democrat, he was blacklisted by conservative groups and
eventually lost his security clearance and was fired by Secretary of Agriculture
Ezra Taft Benson
- 1954 - Letter to Kenneth Iverson of the Ford Foundation,
"Advancing Human Welfare",
- 1955 - Chosen by Harold Stassen at the Foreign Operations Administration to
direct the land reform program in South Vietnam
- 1964 - Paper,
"Industrialization Bias in Economic Development",
presented at a Conference
on World Tensions, early in 1964
- 1970 - Paper,
"Agriculture: Some Broader Considerations";
Economic Situation and Prospects of India,
World Bank annual report, April
- 1971 - Paper,
"Agriculture: Problems and Needs",
Economic Situation and Prospects
of India, World Bank Report, May
- 1972 - Article,
"Land Ceilings and Land Reform,"
Growth Experience, Vol.7, Issue No.5-6-7, 5 February
- 1972 - Paper,
"Agriculture: Issues and Programs",
Economic Situation and Prospects of India,
World Bank Report, May
- 1973 - Article,
"How Green Is the Indian Green Revolution,"
Review Of Agriculture, Vol.8, Issue No.52, 29 December
- 1977 - Book,
Agrarian Reform as Unfinished Business: The Selected Papers of
Wolf Ladejinsky,
edited by Louis J. Walinsky,
published by Oxford University Press
Lafever, Tim |
(Spring Grove) |
- 19xx - Becomes member, Henry George Foundation of America
LaFollette, Robert M. |
Wisconsin |
- 1879 - Graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a
Bachelor of Science degree
- 1880 - Elected District Attorney for Dane County
- 1884 - Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives (served
to 1890)
- 1901 - Elected Governor of Wiscon (served to 1906)
- 1906 - Elected by the Wisconsin legislature to the U.S. Senate
- 1924 - Ran for President of the United States on the Progressive
Party ticket
LaFollette, Suzanne |
... |
- 1890s - Family moved to Washington, D.C.
while father served in the U.S. House of Representatives
- 1893 - Born, Washington State
- 1919 - Graduated college, joined the station
of The Nation, where she met Albert Jay Nock
- 1920 - Joined The Freeman as an
editor, stayed until it ended publication in 1924
- 1926 - Book,
Concerning Women,
reprinted by Arno Pressi, 1972
- 1929 - Book,
Art in America,
- 1930 - Founded New Freeman, which
folded after 15 months; turned to freelance writing
- 1937 - Actively participated in the
Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky
- 1950 - Became managing editor of the reborn The Freeman
- 1952 - The Freeman was sold to
Leondard Read and she departed; became a staunch anti-Stalinist
and anti-communist
- 1955 - Became founding editor of the National
- 1981 - Article by Sharon Presley,
"A Remembrance of Suzanne LaFollette,"
Association of Libertarian Feminists
LaForest, Jules |
Louisiana |
- 1921 - Article,
on the Single Tax,
Cornet of Thibodaux
(paid for by himself as an advertisement)
LaFortune, Charlotte (Betty) |
(San Diego)
(Capitola) |
- 1993 - Letter to the editor:
regarding Unitarians,
The Illinois Georgist, Vol.5, No.1, Winter
LaFortune, Louis |
(Chicago) |
- 1949 - Completed Henry George School course
- 1953 - Appointed Field Director of the Commerce and Industry
Divsion of the Henry George School
Laguardia, Fiorello H. |
... |
Lake, Charles D. |
(Fairhope) |
- 1994 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Fairhope, Alabama
Lake, Waldo E. |
... |
- 1955 - Article,
"Do We Overlook a Factor,"
Henry George News, June
- 1956 - Article,
"Suburban Development,"
Henry George News, April
Laks, Hyman J. |
New York (New York) |
- 1941 - Article,
"Student Writes on George,"
The Freeman, August:
"In the 1941 year book of Yeshiva College, 'Masmid', several pages are devoted to
an article by Graduate Hyman J. Lakes on'Henry George and a Balanced Economy'. Mr Lakes
concludes his article with the following paragraph: "As a brilliant and able exponent
of social reform, the position of George is secure. His work is a ringing denunciation
of the prevailing order of inequality and class conflict, and is a challenge that
civilization cannot afford to ignore. To thoughtful men it should be a source of renewed
hope in the ability of mankind to solve social and economic problems without resorting
to the violation or suppression of the rights cherished by the individual."
Lamb, W.B. / W.D. |
Illinois (Chicago) |
- 1939 - Review of the book:
Henry George,
by Albert Jay Nock, Land and Freedom, November-December
- 1939 - Review (PDF format) of the book:
Henry George,
by Albert Jay Nock, Land and Freedom, November-December
Lamb, W. Taft |
New Jersey
(Lawnside) |
- 1978 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania
Lambert, Fred |
(Denver) |
- 1915 - Drew a series of cartoons championing
the Single Tax
Lambert, William |
New York
(Ellenville) |
- 1890 - Serving as President, Single Tax Club
of Ellenville
Lampman, Rex |
... |
- 1938 - Article,
"Inheritance Tax: The Landlord's Out,"
The Freeman, December
Lancaster, Ralph P. |
Zanesville |
- 1942 - Letter to the editor:
supporting the editorial policy of The Freeman,
Land, J.P. De |
Florida |
- 1931 - Lecturing on Henry George to his
political economy students
Land, L.B. |
... |
- 1894 - Charter member, Fairhope Industrial Association
1913-1923 |
- 1913 - Published in New York by Joseph Dana
Miller, located at 150 Nassau Street
- From 1901 through 1923, a main organ of the Single Tax movement was
The Single Tax Review. In 1924 the name was changed to
Land and Freedom
(San Diego) |
- 1974 - Founded, with its headquarters in San
Diego; founding meeting held, 28 December:
"The purpose of LEAF, Inc., is to take up the ancient challenge of land
equality and freedom; and to restore the shiny promise of freedom as an available goal
in our still young, beloved country. and to work for equitable access to natural
resources for an eqality of natural opportunities sothat eventually all productive
effort will belong to the rightful owners. And by so doing, commit LEAF, Inc. to the
betterment of mankind."
- Chicago chapter established and incorporated with a 5-person board (Sam Venturella,
Mark Lasman, Juan Cruz-Galan, William Ranky and Robert Jene)
- Los Angeles chapter formed with Bill Pereira as interim president; Hy Stewart, VP;
Michelle Greenhill, VP
- 1975 - Sacramento chapter formed with Leonard Nitz, acting Chairman
- 1975 - First Annual National Conference,
University of California, San Diego
- 1975 - Board of Directors elected: Steven Cord, William Filante, Floyd Morrow,
Harry Pollard, Everett Seeley, Robert Tideman, and William Truehart
- 1975 - Robert Tideman appointed as National Coordinator
- 1976 - Second Annual National Conference,
University of San Francisco, San Francisco
- 1977 - Hosted joint hearing on land value
taxation with Sacramento City Council and Board of Supervisors
... |
- 1916 - Headquarters located at 252 N. 14th
Street, New York city; Gaston Haxo, Secretary
(San Francisco) |
- 1878 - Formed in San Francisco; Patrick J.
Murphy, Secretary
New York (New York) |
(Pittsburgh) |
- 1915 - Located at Garrison Buiding, Third
Avenue and Wood Street, Pittsburgh, PA; P.R. Williams, Exec.
Landho, Red |
(St. Petersburg) |
- 1970 - Book,
Seventh City of Cibola,
published; a fictional series of conversations focused on the
single tax
Landry, Valarie |
New York
(Rochester) |
- 1886 - Founding member of Rochester Single
Tax Club
- 1928 - Still active Single Tax supporter
Lane, Franklin Knight

Wisconsin |
- 1864 - Born, 15 July, Charlottetown, Prince
Edward Island, Canada
- 1871 - Family moved to California (Napa);
then moved to Oakland
- 1884 - Entered University of California
while working as a reporter for several San Francisco newspapers
- 1888 - Passed California bar; became
reporter at San Francisco Chronicle; joined Young Men's
Democratic League and worked for adoption of Australian ballot
- 1889 - Engaged in discussions of Henry
George's Progress and Poverty at the Reform Club
- 1891 - Became New York City correspondent
for the San Francisco Chronicle; became acquainted with
Henry George
- 1891 - Became editor, Tacoma Daily News
- 1891 - Began correspondence with Henry
George 1895 - Returned to San Francisco after his newspaper
- 1898 - Elected city-county attorney in San Francisco
- 1902 - Democratic candidate for governor of California
- 1905 - Appointed by Theodore Roosevelt to
Interstate Commerce Committee (served to 1913)
- 1913 - Appointed Secretary of the Interior
by Woodrow Wilson (served to 1920)
- 1914 - Article,
The Flag
The Public, 3 July
- 1917 - Article,
Franklin Knight Lane,
The North American Review,
Vol.206, No.741, August 1917, pp.251-260
Lane, J. Charles |
... |
- 1938 - Article,
"Mapping a War on Slums,"
The Freeman, June
Lane, Jessie L. |
District of Columbia
- 1915 - Serving as President, Woman's Single Tax League
- 1916 - Attended Joseph Fels Fund conference,
Niagara Falls, NY, 19-21 August
Lane, Rose Wilder |
... |
- 1938 - Book, Free Land
Lane, Theodore |
New York (Long Island) |
- 1890 - Active in the single tax movement
Lane, W.R. |
New York (Long Island) |
Lang, Edward G. |
(Pittsburgh) |
- 1937 - Serving as President, Henry George
Langewiesche, Wolfgang |
... |
Lankton, Clark S. |
(Fairhope) |
- 1994 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Fairhope, Alabama
Lantz, Walter A. |
(Luck) |
- 189- - Friend of Henry George and John Z.
White; was a member of the Chicago Single Tax Club
- 1931 - Published serially in a number of
Wisconsin weeklies articles entitled "The Sins of the
- 1937 - Letter to the editor:
Land and Freedom, May-June
Lapham, J.K. |
New York
(New York) |
- 1967 - Attended Henry George School
conference, Montreal, Quebec; July
Larabee, Frank D. |
(Hollywood) |
- 1856 - Born, Oswego County, New York
- 1880s - Resided in Minnesota; practiced law
and became an active Single Taxer
- 1931 - Retired, and moved to California
Larkin, Thomas A. |
New York (Staten
Island) |
- 1941 - Became a partner in the firm of Goodbody & Company
- 1958 - Serving on the board of the Robert Schalkenbach
- 1961 - Elected to the Board of Trustees of the Henry George School, NY
- 196- - Elected to the Board of Trustees of St. John's University
- 1967 - Served as trustee, Henry George School, New York
- 1999 - Died, June 2 (age 67)
LaRossignol, James Edward |
... |
Larson, Amanda |
... |
- 2020 - Article,
Better Days,
Robert Schalkenbach Foundation Digest, June
Larson, Betty |
(Beloit) |
- 1977 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
Larson, John L. |
New York
(Brooklyn) |
- 1927 - Attended Henry George Congress, New York City,
Larsson, Gosta |
... |
- 1942 - Book,
Revolt in Arcadia,
published; COVER
- 1942 - Review by Grace Isabel Colbron of the book:
Revolt in Arcadia,
by Gosta Larsson
Laserson, Max |
New York
(New York) |
- 1910 - Graduated from the University of St. Petersburg
- 191- - Appointed Associate Professor of Constitutional Law and Legal
Theory at the University of St. Petersburg
- 1917 - Served in the Kerensky government
- 1918 - Serving as Secretary-Geneal of theRussian Constituent Assembly
(later dissolved by the Bolsheviks)
- 1939 - Migrated to the United States
- 1946 - Appointed Professor of Contemporary Civilization and Legal
Philosophy, Columbia University
- 1951 - Address,
"Henry George's Influence in Russia,"
delivered at the Henry George School, New York, 9 November
- 1951 - Died, 3 December (age 64)
- 1951 - Review by Vi Peterson of the book:
The American Impact on Russia,
by Max Laserson; Henry George News, June
Lassiter, Leonardo |
(Philadelphia) |
- 1980 - Attended Joint Georgist conference, New York, NY
Latimer, Lewis Howard |
... |
- 1901- Article,
The Single Tax Review, Fall
Laue, J. Charles |
New York |
- 1938 - Instructor, Henry George School
Lavery, Charles. J. (Dr.) |
South Dakota
(Aberdeen) |
- 19-- - Serving as Secretary, South Dakota
Central Tax Reform League
- 1917 - Excerpt from a letter to the congressmen and senators of
South Dakota:
"Ground rent of land in the United States is
over $6 billion annually. That belongs to the whole people and you should
take it for public expenses instead of taxing directly or indirectly,
the necessities of the poor."
- 1932 - Served as a member of the advisory
committee, Henry George School, New York
- 1933 - Letter to the editor:
to the National Transportation Committee, New York, regarding the taxation of
Reprinted in Land and Freedom, January-February
- 1934 - Address,
supporting "Take Taxes Out of Prices,"
delivered as a movement slogan, the need to reduce
the price of farmland and other measures, delivered at the Henry
George Congress, Chicago, Illinois
- 1944 - Letter to the editor:
For Fifth Freedom,
criticizing the Atlantic
Charter as standing for statism, Henry George News, July
Law, Henry H. |
... |
- 1927 - Attended Henry George Congress, New
York City, September
Law, Lorenzo C. (Dr.) |
(Denver) |
- 188- - Became active in the Single Tax movement
- 1919 - Died, 20 September
Lawler, Daniel William |
(St. Paul) |
- 1859 - Born, 28 March (Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin)
- 18-- - Graduated from Georgetown University and Columbia
University Law School
- 1892 - Candidate (unsuccessful) for governor; reception held to honor him, Henry George,
Thomas D. Shearman, John Z. White, et al. attended; October
- 1892 - Described by John A. Johnson as follows:
"... not a railroad lawyer nor the henchman or paid servant of any private corporation and
never had been. He would be no man's man and wear no man's collar."
- 1907 - Address,
"Lincoln and Slavery in America,"
delivered as the Lincoln Day address, St. Paul, Minnesota, 12 February:
"... wherever men and women of any land or of any color gather together, wherever there is
a heart which beats responsive to the noblest dictates of humanity, there is named with reverence
and love the name of Abraham Lincoln."
- 1908 - Elected mayor (to 1910) as a Democrat
- 1912 - Candidate for the U.S. Senate from Minnesota
- 1916 - Candidate for the U.S. Senate from Minnesota
- 1926 - Died, 15 September
Lawrence, David L. |
(Pittsburgh) |
- 1946 - elected Mayor, Pittsburgh
- 1958 - End of term as Mayor; elected Governor
- 1958 - Address,
"Pittsburgh's Progress under the Graded Tax Plan,"
delivered at the Henry George
Foundation conference, Pittsburgh, PA, November
- 1960 - Governor of Pennsylvania
- 1960 - Letter endorsing two-rate property
tax printed, Henry George News, August
Lawrence, Edward M. |
(Fairhope) |
- 19-- - Graduated from the University of
Wisconsin, urban studies; earned masters degree from School of
- 2005 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; August
- 2006 - Serving as Director, Fairhope Single
Tax Corp. and President, Georgist Association of Alabama
- 2006 - Address,
"What Makes a Downtown Special,"
Council of Georgist Organizations conference,
Evanston, IL, 19-23 July
- 2007 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, University of Scranton, Scranton, PA, July
Lawrence, L.B. |
New York
(Long Island) |
- 1939 - Teaching Henry George class
Lawson, Fenton |
(Cincinnati) |
- 1918 - Letter to the editor:
Everyman, March, in which he wrote:
"I think it the height of wisdom for the singletaxers of the country to
concentrate their efforts on California this year, where there
are such splendid prospects of citory."
- 1926 - Elected to the National Advisory
Committee, Henry George Foundation of America
Lawton, J.B. |
(Orlando) |
- 1918 - Letter to the editor:
Everyman, April
Lazaar, Herman A. |
New Jersey
(Metuchen) |
- 1941 - Received degree in physics, Columbia
University (worked on the Manhattan Project)
- 1949 - Enrolled in Henry George School,
Perth Amboy, under Ernest Eblovi
- 1973 - Served as trustee, Henry George School, New York
- 1982 - Attended annual Georgist Conference,
Chatham College, Pittsburgh, PA, 16-19 July
- 1996 - Serving on the board, Henry George
School, New York (at least through 2004)
Lazarus, Emma |
... |
- 1880s - Became strong supporter of Henry
George's campaign and corresponded with George
- 1881 - Poem,
"Progress and Poverty,"
published in the New York Times, 2 October
- 1956 - Chapter 9 ("on Henry George") from the book:
Emma Lazarus: Woman with a Torch,
by Eve Merriam
- 1956 - Cover,
to the book:
Emma Lazarus: Woman with a Torch,
by Eve Merriam
Arthur |
New York
(New York) |
- 1948 - Teacher, responsible for outreach
into communities, Henry George School
- 1950 - Attended Henry George School
conference, St. Louis, Missouri, 13-16 July
- 1953 - Attended Henry George School
conference, Boston, Massachusetts, 2-4 July
Leach, J.J. (Mrs.) |
Illinois |
- 1911 - Attended Single Tax conference,
Chicago, Illinois, November
Leach, W.J. |
Illinois |
- 1911 - Attended Single Tax conference,
Chicago, Illinois, November
Leacock, Stephen |
... |
- Profession: Professor of
Political Economy
- 1869 - Born, 30 December; Swanmore, Hampshire, England
- 1875 - Migrated to Canada with his family; settled on a farm in Ontario
- 1899 - Began graduate studies in political
science and political economy at the University of Chicago
- 1903 - Dissertation,
"The Doctrine of Laissez-Faire"
- 190x - Appointed lecturer, then head of
department of political economy at McGill University, Montreal
- 1906 - Book, Elements of Political Science. Quote:
"... a single tax, laid on all forms of property alike, seemed to
commend itself as the most uniform and the most equitable. In practice it
has shown itself to be distressingly inequitable. This is due in part to
the manner of its assessment." (p.316) The full text is made available
online by Google Books.
- 1920 - Book,
The Unsolved Riddle of Social Injustice,
- 1929 - Quote:
I sit and warm my hands, as best I may, at the little heap of
embers that is now political economy, I cannot but contrast its
dying glow with the vainglorious and triumphant science than
once it was."
- 1930 - Book,
Economic Prosperity in the British Empire
New York
(New York) |
- 1940 - Established, with Henry J. Foley as
Chairman; working as an instructor for establishing chapters
Leake, B. Gage |
(Chicago) |
- 1938 - Instructor, Henry George School (at least thru 1940)
Learn, George |
(St. Louis) |
- 1967 - Attended Henry George School
conference, Montreal, Quebec; July
Leary, William J. |
Illinois |
- 1921 - Serving as State Chairman, Illinois Single Taxers
Leavens, G. St. J. |
... |
- 1889 - Participated in National Conference
of Single Tax Clubs, Cooper Union, New York City, September
LeBaron, James Wade |
... |
- 1942 - Letter to the editor:
objecting to editorial policy and publication of an article by Rutgers University President on
the need to support the war effort,
The Freeman, October
LeBosky, Jacob C. |
Illinois |
- 1911 - Attended Single Tax conference,
Chicago, Illinois, November
Leckie, Thomas |
(Detroit) |
- 1880s - Became ardent supporter of the Single Tax and friend of Henry George
and Louis F. Post
Ledeen, Hymen |
(Pasadena) |
- 1958 - Attended Henry George Schools conference, San Diego, CA
Ledoux, Urbain |
New York
(New York) |
- 1933 - Candidate for mayor of New York City
on the Single Tax ticket with the same 1186 platform adopted by
Henry George
Lee, George E. |
Illinois |
- 1911 - Attended Single Tax conference,
Chicago, Illinois, November
Lee, George E. |
(Pasadena) |
- 1943 - Joined faculty, Henry George School
- 1953 - Stepped down as President, Henry
George School board
Lee, J. Bracken |
... |
- 1958 - Article,
"Let's Abolish the Income Tax,"
Henry George News, August
- 1958 - Paper,
"Abolish the Income Tax,"
presented at the Henry George Schools conference,
San Diego, CA
Lee, Jubal |
(York) |
- 1977 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
- 1978 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania
Lee, Mary Heath |
... |
- 1906 - Review of the book:
by Clarence Darrow, The Public, 17 March
- 1906 - Review of the book:
New Zealand Views,
by James de Benneville, The Public, 28 April
- 1907 - Review of the book:
John Fiske,
by Thomas Sergeant Perry, The Public, 23 February
Lee, William J. |
(Stanford) |
- 19-- - Became arden follower of Henry George
- 1930 - Letter to the editor:
regarding the Single Tax,
Bridgeport Connecticut Post
- 1936 - Serving as an instructor, Henry
George School extension
Leenhouts, Cornelius |
(Milwaukee) |
- 1928 - Secretary, League of Wisconsin Single Taxers
- 1931 - Letter to the editor:
opposing "lining up
with any party that has not the elements of the economic rent
for the people as their slogan."
Land and Freedom, March-April
Leeuwen, M.J. Van |
(Boston) |
- 1940 - Instructor, Henry George School
LeFevre, Robert |
... |
- 1957 - Founded Freedom School in Colorado
Springs, Colorado; later changed to Rampart College
- 1964 - Article,
"Frank Chodorov: Teacher,"
reprinted in Fragments, Spring 1995
- 1974 - Address,
[topic not identified]
delivered at the Henry George School conference, Goleta, CA
Lefferts, Shirley |
New Jersey
Roselle |
- 1959 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
Leffingwell, Elmore (Dr.) |
... |
- 1940 - Address,
"Who Moulds Public Opinion -- and How?"
at Long Island Forum, 30 April
Leggett, Joseph |
(Denver) California (San Francisco) |
- Quote:
will never get the Single Tax directly through the efforts of
Single Taxers; but they through their propaganda will so fill
the atmosphere with the Single Tax principles that the whole
community will absorb and apply them without knowing that they
are the Single Tax."
- 18-- - Born, Dublin, Ireland
- 1868 - Migrated to California; living in San
Francisco, was part of "the
early group of Single Tax pioneers in Judge Maguire's office.
- 1878 - Elected President, Land Reform League of California
- 1895 - Article,
The Single Tax
San Francisco Call, Vol.79, No.25, 25 December
Lehmann, Mary |
- 2003 - Established the website, "Keep
the Land," to pressure the City of Austin to lease rather
than sell prime public land for development
- 2005 - Letter to the editor:
"Revenue for Schools,"
printed in the Texas Observer, 8 July; reprinted in GroundSwell,
- 2006 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Evanston, IL, July
Lehmann, Tom |
(Alton) |
- 1986 - Article,
"LVT Would Be Real Tax Reform,"
Equal Rights, Summer
- 1993 - Letter to the editor: St.Louis Dispatch, 14 January
Lehr, Adam |
Ohio |
- 1921 - Candidate for State Treasurer, Single Tax Party
Lehr, George W. |
(St.Louis) |
Lehr, Henry Solomon (Dr.) |
Ohio (Ada) |
- 1838 - Born, 8 March, in Oldtown, Ohio
- 1857 - Entered Mount Union College but left for military service
during the Civil War
- 1866 - Began teaching school, expanding the program to include
adult education
- 1871 - Raised funding to establish the Northwestern Ohio Normal School,
later in 1903 becoming Ohio Northern University
- 187- - Earned a Ph.D. at Mount Union College
- 18-- - Became an active supporter of the Single Tax
- 1900 - Stepped down as President of Ohio Northern University, remaining
in the administration until 1903
- 19-- - Single Tax Party candidate for Attorney-General of Ohio
- 1923 - Died, 29 January (age 85)
Leibe, Harold G. |
(Hartford) |
- 1940 - Instructor, Henry George School
Leichter, Matt |
... |
- 2024 - Serving as Secretary, Robert Schalkenbach Foundation
Leinberger, Christopher |
... |
- Profession: Urban Land Strategist
- 2004 - Participated in panel,
"Addressing Housing Needs,"
at the Council of Georgist Organizations
conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Leiser, Albert |
(San Diego) |
- 1960 - Trustee, Henry George School
Leister, Mortimer A. |
New York (New York) |
Lemon, Francis Q. |
Delaware |
- 1943 - Taught Henry George coruses in
Wilmington, Delaware, sponsored by the Democratic City Committee
Lenihan, Toby |
New York
(Stanford-ville) |
- 1994 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Fairhope, Alabama
- 2012 - Attended the conference of the Council of Georgist Organizations;
Camp Hill, PA; July
Lent, C.P. |
New York
(New York) |
- 1958 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, San Diego, CA
Lenten, Nicholas |
(La Mesa) |
- 1958 - Attended Henry George Schools conference, San Diego, CA
- 1977 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin
- 1979 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
San Francisco, CA
- 1989 - Trustee, Basic Economic Education
Lentz, John J. |
(Cleveland) |
- 1926 - Delegate to Henry George Congress, Philadelphia
Leogrande, Ernest |
... |
- 1953 - Article,
"Economics for Children,"
Henry George News, December
- 1956 - Article,
"Desires Unlimited,"
Henry George News, April
- 1956 - Article,
"Of Bananas and Ears,"
Henry George News, May
Leon, Danie De |
New York
(New York) |
- 1852 - Born, Island of Curacao
- 1880 - Active supporter of Henry George
- 1889 - Joined Socialist Labor Party;
advocated democratic control of industries by worker councils
- 1914 - Died, New York City, 11 May
Leon, William |
New York
(New York) |
- 1937 - Became student at Henry George School; later joined faculty
- 1944 - Began teaching at Henry George School
following discharge from the Merchant Marine
Leonard, Charles F. |
Arcadia |
- 1966 - Serving as Secretary of the Committee on Land Taxation
Leonard, Samuel |
(El Monte) Illinois (Chicago) |
- Profession: screenplay writer
- 1979 - Attened Joint Georgist Conference, San Francisco, CA
- 1980 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference, New York, NY
- 1987 - Left substantial bequest ($300,000) to Henry George School, Chicago
Leonard (Levin),
Samuel N. |
(Chicago) |
- 1936 - On editorial staff of Henry George
Leonardi, Mark J.J. |
(Boston) |
- 1937 - Serving as President, Henry George Fellowship
LeRossignol, James E. |
... |
- 1866 - Born, 24 October, in Quebec, Canada
- 1888 - Graduated from McGill University
- 1889 - Entered the University of Leipzig to study philosophy and
political economy
- 1902 - Book,
Taxation in Colorado,
included a chapter on the Single Tax amendment
Lerster, Mortimer A. |
New York
(Brooklyn) |
- 1944 - Letter to the editor:
indicating his intent to write a paper answering Thomas Henry Huxley's
arguments against Henry George,
Henry George News, March
Leslein, Betty Swayne |
(Big Canoe) |
- 1991 - Letter,
to Mike Curtis at Henry George School, Philadelphia, indicating her support of Georgist
movement, 14 September
LeStourgeon, Edward Guy |
(San Antonio) |
- 19-- - Serving as President, San Antonio Economic Study Club
- 1918 - Letter to the editor:
Everyman, April, in which he wrote:
"I was shocked
and grieved to learn of the death of Herman. His loss coming at
this time is certainly a hard blow. I know how terrible it will
seem to you in Los Angeles. Of course, I feel as you do that
nothing will stop the good work. The remainder of us merely have
that much more to do."
- 1921 - Elected to the Texas Legislature (served to 1925)
LeTourneau, R.G. |
... |
- 1950 - Article,
"Booms and Busts,"
Henry George Neews, December
- 1952 - Article,
Henry George News, November
Leubuscher, Frederic Cyrus |
New York
(New York)
New Jersey |
- 1858 - Born, New York City
- 1883 - Attended City College and graduated
from Columbia University Law School
- 1884 - Began law practice
- 1887 - Co-authored book, Henry George's
1886 Campaign, with Louis F. Post
- 1905 - Lectures,
"Socialism, Anarchism, and the Single Tax"
and "Il-Liberal Liberalism"
delivered at the Manhattan Single
Tax Club of New York
- 1910 - President, Manhattan Single Tax Club
- 1910 - Attended Single Tax Conference, New
York, NY, November
Leubuscher, Frederic Cyrus |
1911-1920 |
- 1914 - Debated the Single Tax with Allan
Robinson, President, Allied Reast Estate Interests; New York City
- 1917 - Address,
Remembrance of Henry George, Jr.,
delivered at the Memorial Meeting held at the Lenox Avenue Unitarian Church, 29
March 1917. Single Tax Review, March-April
Leubuscher, Frederic Cyrus |
1921-1930 |
- 1926 - Served as executor of the estate of Robert Schalkenbach
- 1926 - Introduced resolution at
International Conference in Copenhagen to form International Union
- 1926 - Address,
"Land Value Taxation in Practice,"
delivered at International Union conference,
Copenhagen, Denmark
- 1927 - Attended Henry George Congress, New York City, September
- 1929 - Attended Henry George Foundation of
America Congress, Pittsburgh, PA, September; elected to the
board, Henry George Foundation of America
- 1929 - Elected to Executive Committee, International Union conference,
Edinburgh, Scotland
Leubuscher, Frederic Cyrus |
1931-1940 |
- 1934 - Stepped down from board, Henry George School, New York, NY
- 1934 - Resigned form the board, Henry George Foundation of America
- 1935 - Attended Henry George Congress, New York, NY; September
- 1936 - Serving on board, Henry George School, New York, NY
- 1936 - Attended the conference of the International Union, London, England;
1-5 September
- 1937 - Serving as Director, The Freeman Corp.
- 1939 - Article,
"Quints Quintuple Land Values,"
The Freeman, January
- 193- - Elected first President, Henry George School, New Jersey
- 1939 - Letter,
to Franklin D. Roosevelt,
inviting him to speak at the Henry George Centenary scheduled for
30 August in New York City; letter dated 2 August
- 1939 - Review of the book:
Henry George,
by Albert Jay Nock; The Freeman, published with the title,
"Neither Anarchism Nor Communism," October
- 1940 - Died, 18 August (age 81, at his home in
Essex Falls, New Jersey); left a bequest of $3,000 to the Henry
George School
LeVan, Marie A. |
(Hartford) |
- 1941 - Secretary, Henry George Fellowship
- 1945 - Elected Vice President, Henry George
School, Hartford, Connecticut
Leverenz, Fred J. |
(Chicago) |
- 1940 - Essay,
"Solution to the Problem of the Employee, Employer and the Public,"
written for contest sponsored by the Rotary Club of Chiago, February;
chosen for third prize
Leverette, William |
South Carolina
(Greenville) |
- 1978 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania
Leverson, Montague |
... |
- 1880 - Article,
on Henry George's Progress and Poverty,
weekly Argonaut
- 1955 - Comment by Charles Albro Barker (Henry George, 1955, p.318):
himself saluted 'Progress and Poverty' as 'the book of the
half-century'' and then proved his sincerity by withholding a
primer of economics he was writing until he could assimilate the
ideas he now accepted."
Levetan, Liane |
(Atlanta) |
- 1980 - Attended Joint Georgist conference, New York, NY
Levin, Alexander (Rabbi) |
(Philadelphia) |
- 1940 - Member, Henry George School advisory council
Levin, Eugene |
(Sacramento) Washington
(Seattle) |
- 1928 - Born, 26 April, Los Angeles
- 1946 - Moved to Washington State; graduated
from University of Washington, School of Engineering
- 1967 - Joins faculty, Henry George School
- 1989 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference, Philadelphia, PA
- 1992 - Elected trustee, Common Ground USA
- 1994 - Attended Council of Georgist Organizations conference,
Fairhope, Alabama
Levin, Samuel Mordecai |
(Chicago) |
- Profession: Professor of
Economics, Wayne State University, Detroit; also a playwright
- 1888 - Born, 6 June (Liskova, Poland)
- 189x - Family migrated to the United States,
settled in Detroit, Michigan
- 1912 - Earned B.A., University of Michigan
- 1915 - Began teaching history and economics
in the Detroit Central High School and Detroit Junior College
- 1920 - Chaired a committee to revise the
history curriculum of Detroit's secondary schools
- 1925 - Earned M.A., University of Chicago
- 1925 - Appointed Professor and head of the
Social Science Department of the College of Detroit (which
became Wayne State University in 1933)
- 1933 - Appointed Professor of Economics and
Department Chair, Wayne State University
- 1936 - Secretary, Henry George Fellowship
- 1958 - Retired from teaching
- 1967 - Book,
Malthus and the Conduct of Life,
- 1973 - Book,
Essays on American Industrialism,
Levine, Hyman |
New York (New York City) |
- 19-- - Became an active supporter of the
Single Tax
Levonson, ----- |
... |
- 1940s - Serving as a teacher at the henry George School
Levy, Burt |
New York
(New York) |
- 1940 - Lectures, based on George Geiger's
Theory of the Land Question,
to Henry George Society at
City College
Levy, Daniel A. |
(Phila.) |
- 1940 - Instructor, Henry George School
Levy, Simon G. |
New York
(New York) |
- 1880s - Befriended Henry George; worked with George and lectured often
- 1904 - Candidate for State Engineer of New York on the People's Party Ticket
- 1950 - Died (September or October)
Lewis, Alfred |
Ohio (Dayton) |
- 1955 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, OH
Lewis, Amy P. |
(Chicago) |
- 1940 - Elected Recording Secretary, Henry George Woman's Club
Lewis, August |
New York
(New York) |
- 18-- - Born, Aix-la-Chapelle, Germany
- 1869 - Immigrated to the U.S.
- 1882 - First read Progress and Poverty
- 1885 - Met Henry George and became a close supporter
- 1898 - Henry George dedicated The Science of Political Economy to August
Lewis and Tom L. Johnson
Lewis, Claude |
New York
(Long Island) |
- 1939 - Acting chairman, forum for the Society for Long Island Georgists
Lewis, David John |
Maryland |
- 1869 - Born, 1 May (Centre County, Pennsylvania)
- 1902 - Elected to Maryland state senate
- 1911 - Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives (served thru 1917)
- 1913 - Appointed Tariff Commissioner by Woodrow Wilson
- 1931 - Elected to the U.S. House of Representatives (served thru 1939)
- 1931 - Address,
[subject not known],
delivered at Henry George Congress, Baltimore, Maryland
Lewis, Fay |
... |
- 1911 - Attended Single Tax conference, Chicago, Illinois, November
- 1918 - Letter to the editor:
regarding the death of Herman Kuehn,
Everyman, April
- 1926 - Elected to the National Advisory
Committee, Henry George Foundation of America
Lewis, Jay |
(Rockford) |
- 19xx - Placed a
on a lot he owned, declaring his intent to speculate and
directing people to read Henry George's books
L'Hommedieu, Howard W. |
Arlington Heights |
- 19-- - Article,
"Bringing an End to Inflation,"
Public Press, (his own newsletter, undated)
- 1970 - Retired, concentrating efforts on tax reform
- 1970 - Letter to the editor:
encouraging the Henry George Foundation to make a case for full employment,
Incentive Taxation, Autumn
L'Hommedieu, M. Cebelia |
New York (New York) |
- 1927 - Attended Henry George Congress, New York City, September
Libbey, C.H. |
(Lynn) |
- 1890 - Serving as President, Lynn Single Tax League
New York
(New York) |
- 1881 - Speech by Henry George delivered, 14 January
Liddell, George D. |
Rhode Island
(Providence) |
- 1890 - Serving as Secretary, Single Tax Association of Rhode Island
- 1902 - Responded to a comment in The Single Tax that President Roosevelt was
a Single Taxer, writing:
"Not only is the new President of the U.S. not a
Single Taxer, you may search the wide world around and you will fail to find a single
individual who is less liable to become a Single Taxer."
- 1907 - Secretary, Rhode Island Tax Reform Association
Lieb, Herman (Mrs.) |
Illinois |
- 1911 - Attended Single Tax conference, Chicago, Illinois, November
Liebe, Harold J. |
... |
- 1944 - Elected Treasurer, Henry George Fellowship
- 1945 - Serving as Treasurer, Henry George School, Hartford, Connecticut
Lief, Alfred |
New York
(New York) |
- 1927 - Attended Henry George Congress, New York City, September
Lief, Alfred (Mrs.) |
New York
(New York) |
- 1927 - Attended Henry George Congress, New
York City, September
Ligutti, Luigi G. |
... |
- 19-- - Emigrated to U.S. and settled in Iowa
- 1943 - Serving as Executive Director,
National Catholic Rural Life Conference; attended national
meeting in Cincinnati
- 1956 - Article,
"Msgr. Ligutti in Australia,"
The Standard, February:
"Monsignor Luigi Ligutti, executive director of the United States National Catholic
Rural Life Conference, who has been associated with the American Georgist movement in various
capacities for many years, is visiting Australia. He will attend the National Catholic Rural
Movement Annual Convention in Canberra in April."
- 1983 - Died, December 28, age 88 (in Rome)
Linahan, A.G. |
South Dakota
(Sioux Falls) |
- 1940 - Teaching Henry George class
... |
- 1961 - Established the School of Public
Finance at Claremont Men's College, Los Angeles, CA
... |
Lincoln, Abraham |
... |
- 18-- - Letter to the editor:
On Land Monopoly
written to his law firm partner, Mr. Gridley; quoted in Abraham
Lincoln and the Men of his Time, by Robert H. Browne.
Reprinted from The Freeman, February, 1939
- 1861 - Message to the United States Congress,
On Labor and Capital,
3 December; Land and Freedom, September-October 1937
Lincoln, David C. |
... |
- 1967 - Served as trustee, Henry George
School, New York, NY
Lincoln, John C. |
(Cleveland) Arizona
Phoenix |
- 1866 - Born, 17 July (Painesville, Ohio); son of William Ellaby Lincoln
- 188- - Graduated from Ohio State University
with a degree in mechanical engineering
- 1889 - First heard Henry George speak in Cleveland, Ohio
- 1913 - Traveled to Europe and met with
leading land reformers, including John Paul and other Single Tax
leaders in England
- 1916 - Attended Joseph Fels Fund conference,
Niagara Falls, NY, 19-21 August
- 1924 - Candidate for V.P. of the U.S. on
Commonwealth Land Party ticket
- 1926 - Member, Commonwealth Land Party
- 1926 - Elected to board, Henry George
Foundation of America
- 1927 - Attended Henry George Congress, New
York City, September
- 1928 - Address,
Fighting for Fundamentals,
delivered at the Henry George Congress; 12 September;
Land and Freedom, November-December
- 1928 - Address (PDF format),
Fighting for Fundaments,
delivered at the Henry George Congress, 12 September;
Land and Freedom, November-December
Lincoln, John C. |
1931-1940 |
- 1932 - Served as a member of the advisory
committee, Henry George School, New York
- 1934 - Attended Henry George Congress
Lincoln, John C. |
1941-1950 |
- 1941 - Elected Vice President of the Henry George School, New York
- 1942 - Article (unsigned),
"A Firm That Makes Labor Profitable,"
Business Week,
on the Lincoln Electric Company
- 1946 - Founded Lincoln Foundation
- 19-- - Book,
Christ's Object in Life
- 1947 - Elected President, Board of Trustees,
Henry George School
- 1948 - Paper,
"Wages, the Price of Land, and Economic Freedom,"
presented at Henry George
School conference, Chicago, Illinois; July
1949 - Attended International Union
conference, Swanwick, England
Lincoln, John C. |
1951 |
- 1951 - Article,
"Does LVT Take Land from People,"
Henry George News, May
Lincoln, John C. |
1952-1954 |
Lincoln, John C. |
1955 on |
- 1955 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, OH
- 1957 - Address,
"Natural Law,"
delivered at the Henry George School conference, Wagner College,
Staten Island, NY; 12 July
- 1957 - Review by Brian Burnett of the book:
Ground Rent, Not Taxes,
by John C. Lincoln; Land & Liberty, December
- 19-- - Booklet,
Should Land Have Selling Value?,
- 1958 - Serving on board, Henry George Foundation
- 1959 - Died, 24 May, age 92
- 1960 - Memorial meeting held at the Henry
George School, New York, 31 January
- 1971 - Review by Will Lissner of the book:
The American Century of John C. Lincoln,
by Raymond Moley,
American Journal of Economics and Sociology, April
Lincoln, Kathryn |
(Phoenix) |
- 2002 - President, Lincoln Foundation
Lincoln, William Ellaby |
Ohio (Painesville) |
NOTE: Father of John C. Lincoln
- 18-- - Became a Congregational Minister in Painesville, Ohio
- 18-- - Involved in the founding of Berea College
- 1887 - Supported Henry George in his campaign, speaking in support
of George across the state
- 1918 - Letter to the editor:
Everyman, April, in which he wrote:
"The Lord guides
you on, on! As we old abolitionists won, so will you."
Lindas, Benjamin F. |
District of Columbia |
- 1917 - Article,
The Single Tax Review, July-August
- 1917 - Letter to the editor:
Everyman, October, in support of The Great Adventure
- 1918 - Article,
Our Washington Letter,
The Single Tax Review, January-February. Topics: * The Truth About Mexico * The Public
Health Conference * A Parting Shot * The Story of Camp Meade * Land for the Soldiers * A
Visotor from New York
- 1918 - Article,
Our Washington Letter,
The Single Tax Review, March-April. Topics: * Some Local Profiteering * The
Congressman from North Dakota * The Land Question in Congress * The Irrigation Projects *
A Housing Problem * Food Will Win the War
- 1918 - Article,
Our Washington Letter,
The Single Tax Review, May-June. Topics: * The Blight of Land Monopoly * The
Crime of the Alleys * The Rent Profiteer * News From Dakota
- 1918 - Article,
Our Washington Letter,
The Single Tax Review, July-August. Topics: * Local Rent Profiteering * Yet the
Soul of America is Pure and Fine * Y.M.C.A. Night Schools * F.A. Delano on Taxation * the
Weapoln at Hand * Conservatives Preaching Single Tax
- 1918 - Article,
Our Washington Letter,
The Single Tax Review, November-December. Topics: * Men's Minds Prepared for Change *
The Food and Wage Problem * Work of Walter I. Swanton * Inadqeuate Provision * A Beautiful
Land Barred to Settlers
Lindeman, Eduard C. |
New York (New York) |
- Leader of the adult education movement
- 1885 - Born (St. Clair, Michigan)
- 1907 - Entered Michigan Agricultural College
- 191x - Joined teaching staff of the YMCA
College of Chicago (remained just one year)
- 1924 - Joined the New York School of Social
Work, which became part of Columbia University (where he became
close friends with John Dewey and shared many of Dewey's views
on education; he remained at Columbia through 1950)
- 1926 - Book,
The Meaning of Adult Education,
Lindemann, Jack |
... |
- 1951 - Began teaching Henry George courses
at Old Fort Dupont, Delaware
- 1952 - Returned to Philadelphia
Lindholm, Richard W. |
(Eugene) |
- 1959 - Dean, School of Business
Administration, Univ. of Oregon
- 1959 - Banquet speaker at Henry George
School conference, Rutgers University
- 1959 - Attended Henry George Schools
conference, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
- 1967 - Book,
Property Taxation -- USA,
edited by Lindholm, published
- 1979 - Paper,
"Should Small Businesses Suport Land Value Taxation?"
presented at Joint Georgist
conference, San Francisco, CA, August
- 1983 - Review by Peter poole of the book:
Land Value Taxation,
edited by Richard Lindholm;
Land & Liberty, January-February
- 1983 - University of Oregon; attempted to
get a constitutional amendment passed to impose a statewide tax
on land to support education
Lindner, Eileen W. |
... |
- 1988 - Article,
"The Redemptive Politic of Henry George,"
Union Seminary Quarterly Review, March
Lindsay, James Bruce |
Ohio (Cleveland) |
- 1918 - Letter to the editor:
Everyman, April, in which he wrote:
"The death of
Kuehn has stirred me to action even at a sacrifice, for I want
you to know that I am with you and I urge you not to give up the
ship to the politicians."
- 1921 - Serving as State Chairman, Single Tax Party
- 1924 - Serving as leader of the Commonwealth Land Party in Ohio
- 1926 - Chaired the Internatinal Single Tax Conference in Denmark
- 1927 - Attended Henry George Congress, New York City, September
Lindsey, Kathryn O'Bryan |
- 1958 - Attended Henry George Schools conference, San Diego, CA
Lindsey, Estelle Lawton |
- 1868 - Born in South Carolina
- 1908 - Moved to Los Angeles, writing for the Los Angeles
Tribunbe and the Los Angeles Express
- 1912 - Candidate for the California Assembly on the Socialist
party ticket, but was not elected
- 1914 - Candiate for the California Assembly on the Socialist
party ticket, but was not elected. She was expelled from the party
because she supported non-Socialists in the election
- 1915 - Elected to the Los Angeles city council, the first woman
to serve on the Council
- 1916 - Quote on the single tax:
"The trouble with Los Angeles is the
same thing that is the matter with many cities and communities.
Land speculation and an accumulation of unearned increment have
made inequalities which only the single tax plane can level
out." Out West Magazine, p.191
Lindsey, Nicholas Vachel |
... |
Lingham, Charles Allen |
New York
(Lockport) |
- 1936 - Attended the conference of the International Union;
London, England; 1-5 September
- 1937 - Letter to the editor:
regarding principles embraced at the Henry George Congress held in Detroit, Michigan;
Land and Freedom, November-December
- 1938 - Attended Henry George Congress,
Toronto, Ontario; 7-9 September
- 1942 - Article,
"Trust Fund for School,"
The Freeman, 1942:
"The will of the late Charles Allan Lingham, retired milling official of Lockport, N.Y.,
who died June 29, establishes a trust fund for the benefit of the Henry George School of
Social Science in New York. Upon the death of two named legatees, the entire estate,
not yet appraised but roughly estimated at the time of Mr. Lingham's death at around
$100,000, is payable to the school as residuary
Lingham, Charles Allen |
New York (Lockport) |
- 1945 - Underwrote subscriptions to Land & LIberty for
thirty-two libraries in Canada
Linker, Myer |
Illinois |
- 1911 - Attended Single Tax conference, Chicago, Illinois, November
Linn, George Dana |
New York
(New York)
(San Francisco) |
- 1938 - Authored pamphlet,
How to Balance Budgets, Federal, State, County and Municipal
- 1938 - Article,
"Linn on Budgets,"
The Freeman, June:
"George Dana Linn has just published a 16 page pamphlet, 'How to Balance Budgets,
Federal, State, County, Munciipal', which shows the evils of land monopoly and
the tax muddle resulting from the failure of the public to appropriate ground rent
and advocates the Georgist proposal for social land value taxation."
- 1940 - Candidate for Governor of Washington State (received 10 votes)
- 1949 - Attended International Union conference, Swanwick, England
- 1951 - Attended Henry George Congress, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; July
- 1952 - Attended International Union conference, Odense, Denmark
- 1981 - Trust from his estate established
with several Georgist organizations as beneficiaries
Lippencott, Henry C. |
(Philadelphia) |
- 1895 - Active in the Delaware campaign for a
Single Tax
- 1898 - Member, Single Tax Party of
- 1937 - Died, 8 December (age 93)
Lischer, Charles |
Missouri (St. Louis) |
- 1926 - Candidate for U.S. Senate,
Commonwealth Land Party of Missouri
- 1930 - Paper,
"Disemployment and Disaster,"
delivered at Henry George Congress, San
Francisco; September
Lissner, Dorothy |
... |
- 19-- - Born, Concord, Massachusetts
- 1930s - Studied at University of Munich;
then worked in consulates of Mexico, Canada, Asia and Central America
- 19-- - Served as Assistant Editor, American
Journal of Economics and Sociology
- 1973 - Paper,
"Land Speculation on the Rural-Urban Fringe,"
presented at the International Union
conference, Isle of Man, September
Lissner, Will |
New York
(New York) |
- 1908 - Born, New York, NY (upper east side)
- 1920 - First introduced to ideas of Henry
George through The Freeman
- 1923 - Went to work at New York Times
as a copy boy, and was also assigned to write "feature
stories" for the paper; promoted to staff writer at age 22;
at 24, began covering economics
- 1933 - Joined volunteer faculty of the Henry
George School, New York
- 1934 - Article,
Albert Jay Nock,
written as an introduction to a reprint of Nock's 1934 essay, "Henry
George: Unorthodox American"; Will Lissner was, at the
time, Editor-in-Chief of The American Journal of Economics
and Sociology]
Lissner, Will |
1936 |
- 1936 - Article,
"Henry George School Now Has World-Wide Reputation,"
International Molders Journal
Lissner, Will |
1937 |
- 1937 - Revived The Freeman and
became Director of The Freeman Corp.
- 1937 - Article,
"A Study: George on Trade cycles,"
The Freeman, December
Lissner, Will |
1938 |
- 1938 - Article,
"Story of Albert Jay Nock's essay, 'Henry George, Unorthodox American',"
The Freeman, December
Lissner, Will |
1939 |
- 1939 - Article,
"Speaks to Clubs,"
The Freeman, March:
"Will Lissner, New York newspaper man, is scheduled to speak on 'Raw material: Ours
and Theirs' before nine women's clubs in the metropolitan area during March as the guest
speaker of the New York Times news seminars. He also was scheduled to address the assembly
of Boys' High School, Brooklyn, on 'The National Economic Situation'. Mr. Lissner, former
editor of 'The Freeman', has been a member of the faculty of the HGSSS at natinal
Lissner, Will |
1940 |
- 1940s - Served as war correspondent
- 1940 - Review of the book:
The Condition of Labor,
by Henry George (a Spanish translation by
C. Villalobos Dominguez); The Freeman, February
- 1940 - Letter to the editor:
praising editorial style of The Freeman,
- 1940 - Lectures,
on the "Origins of the
Capitalist Crisis,"
delivered at Henry George School, beginning 26
- 1940 - Lectures,
on "The Origins of the Capitalist Crisis,"
delivered during December
Lissner, Will |
1941-1945 |
- 1941 - Became first Editor, American Journal of Economics and Sociology
- 1945 -
Relation to the Land,
An Unsigned Statement of Principles
Which Shall Underlie Our National, State and Individual Actions.
American Journal of Economics and
Sociology, Vol. 1, No. 1, October 1945. Will Lissner served
as editor and is thought to be the author of this statement
Lissner, Will |
1947 |
- 1947 - Article,
"Crusader For Justice: A Tabloid Biography,"
American Journal of Economics and Sociology,
Vol.6, No.2, January
Lissner, Will |
1950 |
- 1950 - Article,
Tax Reform in Japan,
American Journal of Economics and Sociology,
Vol.9, No.4, July, p.462
Lissner, Will |
1951 |
- 1951 - Review of the book:
The Makers of War,
by Francis Neilson; American Journal of Economics and Sociology,
Vol.10, No.4, July, pp.437-439
- 1951 - Attended Henry George Foundation of
America Congress, New York, NY, 5-6 October
Lissner, Will |
1952-1960 |
- 1953 - Article by Will Lissner,
A Remembrance of Mary Fels
The American Journal of Economics and Sociology,
Vol.12, No.4, July 1953, pp.4080409
- 1958 - Serving on the bord of the Robert Schalkenbach Foundation
Lissner, Will |
1961-1970 |
- 1966 - Letter,
to Vic Blundell, attempting
to arrange for a lecture tour for Harry Gunnison Brown in the
United Kingdom
Lissner, Will |
1981-1990 |
- 1984 - Review of the book:
The Power In The Land,
by Fred Harrison; The American Journal of Economics and Sociology,
Vol.43, No.1, January 1984, pp.121-122
- 1988 - Retired as editor-in-chief of American
Journal of Economics and Sociology
Lissner, Will |
1991 on |
- 1991 - Paper,
"Democracy in the 21st Century,"
presented at the Henry George conference,
Lafayette College, 13 June
- 1994 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Fairhope, Alabama
... |
Little, Audrey |
(Chicago) |
- 19-- - Took Henry George course under Ed Phelps
Little, William C. |
(St. Louis) |
- 1890 - Serving as Secretary, St. Louis Single Tax League
Littlefield, A.W. (Rev.) |
Mass. (Middle-borough) |
- 1920 - Announced plans to begin a
spiritually-oriented discussion group on Henry George's
philosophy at the Economic Forum, Boston
- 1927 - Attended Henry George Congress, New York City, September
- 1928 - Died, 17 December (age 69)
Littlefield, George Elmer |
(Philadelphia) |
- 19-- -
On the Land,
Ariel, and undated booklet publsihed by
the Fellowship Farm Association
Lloyd, Eron |
(Philadelphia) |
- 2005 - First learned of the Georgist
movement researching tax reform options for the City of Reading,
- 2005 - Attended Council of Georgist
Organizations conference, Philadelphia
- 2007 - Joined staff of the Henry George
Foundation of America, Philadelphia
Lloyd, George |
New York
(New York City) |
- 1888 - Voted to expel Henry George from the
United Labor Party, May
- 1918 - Letter to the editor:
Everyman, April, in which he wrote:
"It seems you
will go over the top in California this year. Just keep on
telling the people plainly: Under the single tax holders of idle
land would have to Plant, Build, or Quit! and -- Every idle acre
is an enemy of the United States."
- 1920s - Active in Georgist movement
- 1927 - Article,
"Henry George vs Karl Marx,"
The Commonweal, Spring (?)
- 1927 - Active giving addresses on behalf of
the Commonwealth Land Party
- 1927 - Letter to the editor:
regarding Whidden Graham's article on the "American Farmer and the Single Tax,"
Land and Freedom, March-April
- 1927 - Attended Henry George Congress, New
York City, September
- 1929 - Address,
on Henry George's philosophy to a meeting of the Socialist Party,
- 1935 - Attended Henry George Congress, New York, NY; September
Lloyd, Henry Demarest |
... |
- 1909 - Review (unsigned) of the book:
Men, The Workers,
by Henry Demarest Lloyd ,
The Public, 12 November
Lloyd, M.G. |
Illinois |
- 1911 - Attended Single Tax conference, Chicago,
Illinois, November
Lloyd, Marcellus A. |
(Philadelphia) |
- 1983 - Began teaching "Great Decisions"
course at the Henry George School, Philadelphia