Authors A-E
Authors F-J
Authors K-O
Authors P-T
Authors U-Z
As I hope you agree, the School of
Cooperative Individualism website is a place for thoughtful
contemplation of important ideas and issues. You will certainly not
agree with everything you find published by the School; and, in fact,
not every work by authors included in the School's library presents
arguments fully consisistent with the principles of Cooperative
Individualism. Nevertheless, they are, I believe, important
contributors to the expansion of understanding. My own writings are
explorations into principle as well as public policy. [Edward J.
Dodson, Director]
New articles, research papers and essays are always being added to
the School's LIBRARY. You can search for specific material using the ""
search engine, or browse the library by author name.
If you would like to
contact the School to ask about this project or about the philosophy
that sparked its creation, I would be more than happy to hear from
you. If you decide to SEND
an email message, would you be kind enough to provide your first name
or indicate how you prefer to be addressed, as well as your email
address. I send out by email periodic updates on what is new at the
School's website. Let me know if you would like to have your email
address added to the distribution list. These updates are sent about
every two months.
If you have spent any time at the School, reading over the materials
found here, I would be interested to know how you react to the
principles of Cooperative Individualism juxtaposed against the belief
system you now hold. Are there contradictions you feel cannot be
reconciled? Does cooperative individualism resolve any issues that
have troubled you?