Name |
of Residence |
Comments |
Ingledew, Ernest |
England |
- 1936 - Attended the conference of the International Union, London, England;
1-5 September
- 1949 - Attended International Union
conference, Swanwick, England
INTERNATIONAL UNION (for Land Value Taxation and Free Trade) |
England (London) 1926-1940 |
- 1926 - Headquarters established at 11
Tothill Street, London
- 1927 - Memorandum,
The Economic Causes of War
issued to the World Economic
Conference, Geneva, May. Reprinted in The Freeman,
October, 1939
- 1935 - Article (unsigned),
"Henry George Commemoration Dinner,"
held 17 September; Land & Liberty, October, p.148
INTERNATIONAL UNION (for Land Value Taxation and Free Trade) |
1941-1960 |
- 1949 - J. Rupert Mason elected President
- 1958 - Joseph Thompson elected President
INTERNATIONAL UNION (for Land Value Taxation and Free Trade) |
1961-1980 |
INTERNATIONAL UNION (for Land Value Taxation and Free Trade) |
1981-2000 |
- 1993 - Accepted as NGO of United Nations
- 1999 - Moved headquarters to the London Fruit and Wool
INTERNATIONAL UNION (for Land Value Taxation and Free Trade) |
2001- |
- 200- - Alanna Hartzok appointed General Secretary
- 2015 - David Triggs elected President of the board (succeeding Dave Wetzel)
International Union Conferences
... |
- 1913 - Ronda, Spain; 26-28 May
- 1913 - Photograph
(including Joseph and Mary Fels)
- 1923 - Oxford, England; 13-19 August
- 1926 - Copenhagen, Denmark (20-31 July)
- 1927 - Geneva, Switzerland
- 1927 - Memorandum,
The Economic Causes of War and of Industrial Depression
Addressed to the World Economic Conference, Geneva, May, 1927. Included in
the papers distributed at the Fifth International
Conference to promote Land Value Taxation and Free Trade, Caxton Hall, Westminster, London;
1-5 September, 1936
- 1929 - Edinburgh, Scotland
International Union Conferences |
1931-1940 |
- 1935 - New York, New York
- 1936 - Funds for the conference were donated
by an unnamed supporter
Land and Freedom, March-April
- 1936 - International conference held in London, England
(Westmister, Caston Hall; 1-5 September
- 1939 - New York, New York
International Union Conferences |
1941-1950 |
- 1949 - Swanwick, England; 14-21 August
International Union Conferences |
1951-1960 |
- 1952 - Odense, Denmark; 28 July - 3 August
- 1952 - Announcement,
Eighth International Conference
to Promote Land Value Taxation and Free Trade, to be held at the
Folk High School, Odense, Denmark; 28 July to 4 August; Land & Liberty, May-June
- 1955 - St. Andrews, Scotland (St. Andrews University)
- 1955 -
Land & Liberty, September-October
- 1959 - Hanover, West Germany
International Union Conferences |
1961-1970 |
- 1964 - New York, New York (Henry Hudson Hotel)
- 1964 -
by Edward C. Burks on the conference, The New York Times, 3 September
- 1968 - Caswell Bay, Wales
- 1970 - Calgary, Alberta; 7-12 July
International Union Conferences |
1971-1980 |
- 1973 - Douglas, Isle of Man, September
- 1973 -
of Ashley Mitchell, Robert Clancy, Vic Blundell and others
at the conference of the International Union, Isle of Man
- 1977 - New York, New York
- 1979 - San Francisco, California
International Union Conferences |
1981-1990 |
- 1982 - Utrecht, Holland (24-30 July)
- 1984 - Cambridge, England (Selwyn College)
- 1986 - Vancouver, Canada (University of
British Columbia; 18-26 May)
- 1989 - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
(University of Pennsylvania)
International Union Conferences |
1991-2000 |
- 1993 - Melbourne, Australia
International Union Conferences |
2001-2010 |
- 2001 - Edinburgh, Scotland (Edinburgh University)
- 2004 - Madrid, Spain 2004
- 2006 - London, Kings College; theme: The Economy of Abundance, 2-8 July
- 2010 - London, England (April 26-30); School of Economic Science
International Union Conferences |
2011- |
- 2016 - London, England (Mandeville Place; 17-18 September)
- 2016 - Conference Theme: "Common Rents" for the Common Good Implementation
Irming-Geissler, R.C. |
England |
- 1973 - Attended International Union
conference, Isle of Man, September
Irving, J.F. |
... |
- 1973 - Paper,
Land Title Origins in the Isle of Man
presented at the 13th International Union conference, 8-15 September, Douglas,
Isle of Man. Reprinted in Land & Liberty, November-December, pp.120-122
Jackson, A. (Miss) |
England |
- 1936 - Attended the conference of the International Union,
London, England; 1-5 September
Jackson, J. Hampton |
England |
Jackson, Sean |
... |
- 1989 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference, Philadelphia, PA
Jacobs, Louis P. |
(Sussex) |
- 190- - Brought into the Georgist movement
by Max Hirsch in Melbourne
- 1911 - Visited the United Kingdom
- 1914 - Joined the United Committee for the
Taxation of Land Values after migrating from Australia
- 1926 - Active in Single Tax movement
- 1929 - Member, Executive, United Committee
for the Taxation of Land Values
Jacobs, Louis P. |
England |
- 1929 - Contributed $50,000 to the endowment to establish the
Henry George Foundation of Great Britain
Jacobs, Louis (Mrs.) |
(Sussex) |
- 19-- - Became a member of the United Committee for the
Taxation of Land Values
- 1936 - Attended the conference of the International Union,
London, England; 1-5 September
Jacobs, Michael |
England |
- 1936 - Attended the conference of the International Union,
London, England; 1-5 September
Jacobs, Robert |
(London) |
- 1926 - Graduated Balliol College, Oxford;
attended International Union conference, Copenhagen, Denmark
James, John |
(London) |
James, T.S. |
England |
- 1949 - Attended International Union
conference, Swanwick, England
- 1952 - Attended International Union
conference, Odense, Denmark
Jameson, J. |
... |
- 1974 - Article,
"Hunger, Need and Effective Demand,"
ESSRA Magazine, Autumn
Jefferies, B. Staar (Miss) |
... |
- 1936 - Attended the conference of the International Union,
London, England; 1-5 September
Jenkins, William |
... |
- 1939 - Member of Parliament. Quote:
"Henry George made a vow and never faltered;
he lived for the people. His teachings and principles would remove
the evils and causes of misunderstanding that exist among nations
to-day and would bring good-will and co-operation amonst the
peoples of the world."
Jenkins, R.W. |
(Derbyshire) |
- 1929 - Member, United Committee for the
Taxation of Land Values
Johne, R. |
(Birkenhead) |
- 1955 - Attended International Union
conference, St. Andrews University, Scotland
- 1956 - Teacher at Welling branch of Henry
George School and Member of the United Commitee
Johnson, Eric |
England |
- 1949 - Attended International Union
conference, Swanwick, England
- 1952 - Attended International Union
conference, Odense, Denmark
Johnston, Alexander W. |
... |
Jones, C.H. |
England |
- 1936 - Attended the conferences of the International Union,
London, England; 1-5 September
- 1949 - Attended International Union
conference, Swanwick, England
Jones, Frank R. |
England |
- 1929 - Serving as Secretary, Liverpool League
- 1936 - Attended the conference of the International Union,
London, England; 1-5 September
- 1939 - Paper,
"Henry George's Life and Philosophy,"
presented at the Centenrary celebration of
Progress & Poverty, Liverpool
- 1952 - Attended International Union
conference, Odense, Denmark
- 1955 - Paper,
What is Social Science?
presented at the conference of the International Union, St. Andrews;
13-20 August
Jones, Frederick |
(Cardiff) |
- 19-- - Tutor, Cardiff branch, HGS
Jones, H.I. |
(London) |
- 1982 - Attended International Union
conference, Utrecht, Holland
- 1984 - Attended International Union
conference, Cambridge, England
Jones, Jack |
... |
- 1929 - Member of Parliament; wrote to
International Union conference:
am fully in favour of the programme of your Conference, and will
support your policy in the House of Commons."
Jones, Mervyn |
England |
- 1955 - Attended International Union
conference, St. Andrews University, Scotland
Jones, T. |
England |
- 1949 - Attended International Union
conference, Swanwick, England
- 1955 - Attended International Union
conference, St. Andrews University, Scotland
Joynes, James Leigh |
... |
- 1880s - Traveled with Henry George in Ireland
- 1882 - Association with Henry George in
Ireland cost him his "mastership of Eton." He
turned to writing on social problems and to Marxist socialism
Jubb, John J. |
England |
- 1936 - Attended the conference of the International Union,
London, England; 1-5 September
Jupp, Kenneth |
... |
- 1939 - Graduated, University College,
Oxford; then was mobilized for the British Expeditionary Force
in France, where he was severely wounded in Italy in 1943 and
sent back to recover in England
- 1945 - Passed the bar and began to practice law
- 1975 - Appointed a High Court judge
- 1990 - Retired from the law
- 1999 - Pamphlet,
"The Formation and Distribution of Wealth: Reflections on Capitalism,"
- 2000 - Review of the book:
The Battle for God
by Karen Armstrong; Geophilos, Autumn; pp.152-156
- 2001 - Article,
More Taxation, Please
on the burdens of heavy taxation; Land
& Liberty, April-June (Summer)
- 2001 - Article,
Holiday Shocks
Land & Liberty, July-September (Autumn)
Kay, George |
Scotland |
- 1936 - Attended the conference of the International Union,
London, England; 1-5 September
Kaye, Thomas U. |
England (Halifax) |
- 1936 - Attended the conference of the International Union,
London, England; 1-5 September
Keegan, Victor |
... |
- 1997 - Article,
"By George: Best Tax We Never Had,"
Guardian, 30 October
Kelly, E.J. |
(Kent) |
- 1984 - Attended International Union
conference, Cambridge, England
Kemp, John V. |
(London) |
- 1957 and 1959 - Delivered short addresses at
IU Conferences against socialism
- 1959 - Declared that Georgists should argue at least as
powerfully against socialism as they do for land-value taxation
- 1973 - Member, United Committee
- 1993 - Article,
"A Proposal for Bosnia,"
Georgist Journal, Summer
Kerr, Charles |
(Garston) |
- 1898 - Became a member of the Liverpool League
- 1923 - Attended the International conference in
Oxford, England
- 1928 - Attended the International Union conference in
Oxford, England
Keynes, John M. |
... |
- 1932 - Article,
Open Letter to Franklin Roosevelt
Excerpts from Keynes's
Letter To Roosevelt: "On Spending Our Way To Prosperity"
The New York Times, on 31 December 1933
Kimmerling, Robin J.S. |
(Lincoln) |
- 1983 - Letter,
commenting on the article on John M. Keynes by John Allen
Land & Liberty, September-October
Knight, Paul |
... |
- 1962 - Article,
"Production of Reports and Surveys of Dubious Value,"
Land & Liberty, October
- 1966 - Article,
"Paternalism Sharply Questioned,"
Land & Liberty, January
Knight, Paul |
1971-1980 |
- 1974 - Article,
"Land and the Environment,"
ESSRA Magazine, Autumn
Knight, Paul |
1981-1985 |
- 1984 - Article,
"U.S. After the Civil War -- Farm Slavery Still Flourishes,"
Land & Liberty, January-February
Knights, Kay |
... |
- 1983 - Elected Secretary of the Labor Land
Campaign (served to 1987)
Knights, John |
... |
- 1987 - Elected Secretary of the Labor Land
Campaign (served to 1989)
Knowlson, George |
England |
- 1936 - Attended the conference of the International Union,
London, England; 1-5 September
Kyte, H. |
England |
- 1949 - Attended International Union
conference, Swanwick, England
England |
- 1983 - Founded; Dave Wetzel elected President
Lamb, George |
England |
- 18-- - Served as Councillor and Mayor of
Bootle; played leading role in the Municipal Movement for the
Rating of Land Values
- 1900 - Address, as a dinner in his honour:
"I attended the first meeting in
Liverpool addressed by Henry George, held under the auspcies of
the Financial Reform Association. Many people have been driven
to study the land question through suffering hardship,
incidental to our present system of land tenure. It was not so
with me. So far, I have no personal tale of woe to record, nor
has my family. I was attracted both by the moral and the
economic bearings of the question on industry and social life. I
applied the arguments used to my ownnative town. The more I
investigated the matter the more proof I found in the soundness,
and the justice, of taxing land values. ...Pass this measure
into law and see how it will work. It will increase the
marketplace quantity of land, and this can have but one result
-- land will be cheaper: It will break down the monopoly and
give free play to the natural progressive character of our
British trade and commerce."
Lambert, Ian |
Cayman Islands
(Grand Cayman) |
- 1979 - Entered Trinity College
- 1989 - Attended International Union
conference, Philadelphia, Pa.
- 1989 - Article,
"Ability to pay,"
Georgist Journal, Autumn
- 1989-90 - Letter, Georgist Journal, Winter
- 1990 - Letter, Georgist Journal, Autumn
- 1990 - Delivered talk,
"Journey of a Thousand Miles,"
at CGO conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico
- 1990 - Article,
"An Anglo-Irishman Abroad,"
GroundSwell, July-August
- 1991 - Review of the book:
Our Food, Our Land
by Richard Body; Land & Liberty, July-August
- 1991 - Article,
"Thoughts on Ricardo's Non-Law of Wage and Domestic Rent,"
Georgist Journal, Autumn
- 1992 - Paper,
"Is Taxation Democratic Theft?"
presented at Congress of Political Economists, Rio de Janeiro
- 1997 - Review of the book:
The Good Society
by John Kenneth Galbraith,
Land & Liberty, January-March
- 1996/97 - Article,
"Spencer Reconsidered,"
a review of Herbert Spencer's Social Statics
- 1997 - Article,
"Galbraith's Despair,"
published, Land & Liberty, Spring
(London) |
- 1931 - Established in London, F.A. Wilmer,
Editor (independent of the U.S. periodical of the same name)
New York (New York) |
(London) |
- 1894 - Founded as, The Single Tax,
in Glasgow, Scotland, by J. O'Donnell Derrick
- 190- - Name changed to Land Values
- 1919 - Name changed to Land & Liberty
- 1919 - John Paul appointed editor
- 1933 - Arthur W. Madsen appointed editor
following the death of John Paul
- 1958 - Moved to 177 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London; May
- 1961 - Vic H. Blundell appointed editor
- 1976 - Ray B. Linley appointed editor
- 1978 - Fred Harrison appointed editor
- 2002 - Claran Jennings appointed editor
- 2002 - Peter Gibb appointed editor
- 2010 - John Triggs appointed editor
- 2013 - Joseph Milne appointed editor
(London) |
- 1883 - Established by supporters of Henry
George's ideas
(London) |
- 1881 - Founded by Antony C. Swinton, with
its location at 432, West Strand, London
- 1882 - Conference held at The Westminster
Palace Hotel, London. A.R. Wallace, President. Letter from Henry
George read to the conference attendees, 16 January
- 1898 - Conference held in Bradford on the
taxation of land values; W.P. Byles, Vice President,
participated on behalf of the Society, 4 January
- 1901 - Pamphlet,
A Colonist's Plea for Land Nationalization,
by a.J. Ogilvy (of Tasmania)
(London) |
- 1986 - Established by John and Kay Knights
on behalf of the Labour Land Campaign. Dave Wetzel served as
director from 1989, until transferred to Fred Harrison
(London) |
- 2008 - Henry Law serving as Secretary
- 2008 - Periodical, Practical Politics,
produced by David Mills several times per year
- 2008 - Roy Douglas serving as Chairman
- 2008 - Merle Edwards serving as Treasurer
(London) |
Land Values
- 1917 - Located at 11 Tothill Street, London, S.W.
- 1919 - Name of publication changed to Land & Liberty
(London) |
Langlands, W.G. |
Scotland |
- 1936 - Attended the conference of the International Union,
London, England; 1-5 September
Lansbury, George |
England |
- Quote:
"I was a
great admirer of Henry George and believed in the taxation of
land values. During the years 1886-1892 I came more and more
under the influence of ... H.M. Hyndman."
- 1859 - Born, Halwroth, Suffolk
- 1884 - Migrated to Australia but returned a
year later to England
- 1892 - Joined the Social Democratic
Federation, after meeting H.M. Hyndman in 1890
- 1895 - Became candidate for Parliament; ran
again in 1900
- 1896 - Joined the Liberal Party
- 1903 - Joined the Independent Labour Party
- 1910 - Elected to Parliament
- 1911 - Started a newspaper, the Daily
- 1912 - Defeated because of support for women
- 1921 - Elected mayor of Poplar
- 1922 - Elected to Parliament
- 1925 - Started another newspaper, Lansbury's
Labour Weekly
- 1936 - Toured the United States, delivering
lectures on Henry George's philosophy. Quote:
and Poverty is as true a description now as then of the
evils of monopoly."
- 1936 - Article,
on Henry George. Quote:
will finish about Henry George by asking all who at times feel
despondent to take a turn with that great philosopher and if you
have no time to read it all, be sure to read his chapters on
population and the closing chapters written all those years ago.
You will find them full of hope and full of warning. . . . Henry
George as others before and since his day saw a great truth, not
a mere individual or national one, but a truth which covers all
life. I think it is a truth which comes to us from all
religions, all philosophies. Just this simple truth: Love one
another. Give up the pursuit of selfish in- terests. Lose your
life and find it in the service of each other."
- 1937 - Letter,
The Rates and Land Values
originally appeared in the Manchester Guardian, 1 November. Signed also by Sir Stafford Cripps,
M.P., Mr. R.R. Stokes, Mr. Andrew MacLaren, M.P. and Mr. Leonard Woolf. Reprinted in Land Liberty,
November, p.163
Lapish, H. |
England |
- 1936 - Attended International Union
conference, London, England; 1-5 September
Latham, Charles |
... |
- 1936 - Attended International Union
conference, London
Laurie, Alan |
England |
- 2001 - Attended International Union
conference, Edinburgh, Scotland
- 2002 - Review of the book:
Who Owns Britain?
by Kevin Cahill, Land & Liberty, January-March (Spring)
Law, Henry |
(Brighton) |
- 2004 - Letter,
supporting a "tax on
rental value of land,"
The Guardian, 24 January;
reprinted in Land & Liberty, Winter 2003-2004
- 2005 - Letter,
regarding the game of Monopoly as "model of a key aspect of real economies,"
Progress, May-June
- 2008 - Serving as Secretary, Land Value Tax Campaign
Leake, H.M. (Dr.) |
England |
- 1936 - Attended the conference of the International Union,
London, England; 1-5 September
- 1952 - Attended International Union
conference, Odense, Denmark
Lee, A.R. (Dr.) |
England |
- 1949 - Attended International Union
conference, Swanwick, England
- 1952 - Attended International Union
conference, Odense, Denmark
Lee, Geoffrey E. |
Scotland |
- 1959 - Serving as the Honorable Secretary of the Portsmouth
Land Value Tax League
- 1979 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
San Francisco, California
Lee, Geoffrey E. |
1981-1995 |
- 1990 - Article,
"Community Folly,"
Land & Liberty, November-December
- 1994 - Review of the book:
No Free Lunch
by Tony Beamish, Land & Liberty, March-June
Lee, Geoffrey E. |
1996-2000 |
- 1998 - Review of the book:
Short Circuit
by Richard Douthwaite; Land & Liberty, Spring
- 1999 - Reivew of the book:
A Right to Roam
by Marion Shoard; Land & Liberty, Summer
Lee, Geoffrey E. |
2001-2005 |
- 2001 - Attended International Union conference, Edinburgh, Scotland
Lee, Geoffrey E. |
2006- |
- 2007 - Review of the book:
Capitalism 3.0
by Peter Barnes; Land & Liberty Communique, Summer, p.2
- 2007 - Article,
Capitalism 3.0
by Peter Barnes; Land & Liberty, April-July (Summer)
- 2007 - Review of the book:
Why We Hate Politics
by Colin Hay, Land & Liberty, November-December (Winter)
- 2007 - Review of the book:
Location Matters
by Tony Vicers; Land & Liberty, November-December (Winter)
- 2008 - Review of Mason Gaffney's booklet, New Life in Old Cities
Land & Liberty, Spring
Lee, H.R. |
(Southsea) |
- 19-- - Joined the English League for the Taxation of Land Values
- 19-- - Joined the faculty of the Henry
George School, Portsmith (served to 1969)
- 1939 - Served as Honorary Secretary, Portsmouth League
- 1941 - Secretary, Portsmouth League
- 1949 - Attended International Union
conference, Swanwick, England
- 1955 - Attended International Union
conference, St. Andrews University, Scotland
- 1956 - Letter, Henry George News;
regarding Robert Tideman article
Lefmann, Ole |
England (London) |
- 1928 - Born, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 1963 - Graduated from The Copenhagen Business School
- 1979 - Article, '"Three Synonyms"
- 1982 - Attended the conference of the
International Union; Utrecht, Holland
- 1987 - Book, Insurance of Private
Liabilities, published
- 1993 - Article,
"Out with the Old Tax"
- 1995 - Attended the UN-NGO conference,
Copenhagen, Denmark
- 1997 - Open letter to Pope John Paul II
(with Robert V. Andelson)
- 2001 - Elected Assistant Secretary, International Union
- 2002 - Article,
"The Georgist Danish Movement"
- 2004 - Article,
"Denmark's Geogist Rise and Fall,"
Progress, July-August
- 2004 - Article,
"Immigration: Let Us Enjoy the Low Prices and Low Wages,"
Progress, November-December
- 2010 - Attended the conference of the
International Union, London
- 2010 - Translated The Silver Bullet
by Fred Harrison into Danish
- 2012 - Translated The Science of
Political Economy by Henry George into Danish
Leitch, Alexander |
(Annan) |
- 1906 - Began campaigning for land value
taxation in Dumfresshire
- 1914 - Participated in a land demonstration
in Glasgow, February. Description from Land & Liberty,
September 1926:
"When Mr. Lloyd George at theland
demonstration, ... at the close of his indictment of the
existing system asked what is to bedone, it was Alexander
Leitch's voice that rang out: 'Tax land values'. He had taken a
day's leave from his work and travelled ninety miles at his own
expense to be present at the meeting."
- 1926 - Died, 21 July (from a work accident)
Leith, C.J. |
Scotland |
- 1957 - Elected Assistant Secretary, Scottish
League for Land Value Taxation
Lema, German |
England |
- 19-- - Emigrated to England, where he was introduced to
the ideas of Henry George
- 1973 - Attended International Union
conference, Isle of Man, September
Lema, Mirta |
(Kent) |
- 1979 - Attended Joint Georgist Conference,
San Francisco, California
Lester, William R. |
Scotland England (Sussex) |
- 1881 - Graduated from Glasgow University; then spent three years
in France and Germany studying engineering
- 1886 - Attended an address by Henry George, but was not drawn to
George's positions until 1898
- 1904 - Elected President of the Scottish League (served to 1905)
- 1905 - Moved to London and was elected President of the English League
- 190- - Pamphlet,
The Taxation of Land Values
- 190- - Pamphlet,
A Business Man's Question
- 1907 - First Treasurer of the United
Committee for the Taxation of Land Values
- 1909 - Article,
"German Land Reformers"
Land Values, June
- 1909 - Report,
Land Value Taxation in Germany
on the Annual Convention of the German
League of Land Reformers, Nuremberg; Land Values,
reprinted in The Public, 25 June
Lester, William R. |
1916-1920 |
- 1916 - Serving as Treasurer, United
Committee for the Taxation of Land Values
Lester, William R. |
1921-1925 |
Lester, William R. |
1926-1930 |
1925 - Article,
Progress and Poverty in French
Land & Liberty, November
- 1926 - Attended International Conference, Copenhagen
- 1929 - Member, Executive, United Committee
for the Taxation of Land Values
- 1929 - Review by Alexander MacKendrick of the book:
What Is Property?
Land & Liberty, October
William R. |
1931-1940 |
- 1931 - Review of the book:
Poverty and Plenty
by J.A. Hobson; Land & Liberty, November-December
- 1940 - Review of the book:
Our Struggle
by richard Acland; Land & Liberty, March
Lester, William R. |
1941- |
- 1957 - Pamphlet, Unemployment and the Land
Leverson, Montague R. |
... |
- 1876 - Primer on political economy published in N.Y.
- 1880 - Visited U.S. to promote his own book;
read Progress and Poverty and decided to rewrite his
book incorporated George's ideas
Levinson, B.A. |
... |
- 1929 - Listed as a member of the United Committee for the
Taxation of Land Values
- 1936 - Attended the conference of the International Union,
London, England; 1-5 September
- 1952 - Attended International Union
conference, Odense, Denmark
Levy, Grace (Miss) |
(London) |
- 1949 - Attended International Union
conference, Swanwick, England
- 1952 - Attended International Union
conference, Odense, Denmark
- 1973 - Attended International Union
conference, Isle of Man, September
- 1982 - Attended International Union
conference, Utrecht, Holland
- 1984 - Attended International Union
conference, Cambridge, England
- 2009 - Died (date not known)
Lewington R.P. |
(London) |
- Member, Henry George Institute
- 19-- Moved to Oslo, Norway
Lewis Arthur |
(London) |
- 1977 - Member of Parliament; Honorary President of the Parliamentary All Party
Committee for Freedom of Information
Lewis, Maxwell |
... |
- 2009 - Article,
People First Economics
edited by David Ransom and Venessa Baird,
Land & Liberty, August-October (Fall)
Lewis, John |
(Perth) |
- 19-- becomes member, the International Union
- 1981 - Died (killed in automobile collision)
... |
- 1997 - Booklet,
land in a Liberal Democracy
... |
- 1945 - At the party Assembly:
Challenged the interpretation of left-wing Liberal principles articulated by
Beveridge. Members tabled a wrecking amendment to the Full Employment resolution and distributed a memorandum
arguing its incompatibility with principles of free trade, free enterprise, and land value taxation. [Source:
Peter sloman, The Liberal Party and the Economy, 1929-1964, p.154]
Lichfield, Nathaniel |
... |
- Long-time advocate of land value taxation
- 1930s - Became involved in socialist and
anti-fascist movements
- 1950s - Founding member, Land Use Society
- 1956 - Book, The Economics of Planned
Development, published
- 1962 - Founded town planning consultant's firm
- 1978 - Retired from University College, London
- 2004 - Contributing author to Land Value
Taxation in Britain: Experience and Opportunities (published
by the Lincoln Institute)
- 2009 - Died, 27 February (age 92)
Linley, Kennth |
... |
- 19-- - Elected to the House of Commons
- 1926 - Address,
"The Land Problem in Great Britain,"
delivered at the Henry George Club of
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 10 December
Linley, Ray B. |
... |
- 1973 - Attended International Union
conference, Isle of Man, September
- 1973 - Served as Director, ESSRA, School of Economic Studies
- 1976 - Appointed editor, Land & Liberty
Lindsay, Sandy |
(Inverness-shire) |
- 19xx - Became a founding member of Land Reform Scotland
Linskill, George |
(Cleethorpes) |
- 1932 - Died, 11 May. He was described as a long time
proponent of the Single Tax
Lipetz, John |
(London) |
- 2008 - Chair, Coalition for Economic Justice
- 2009 - Resigned as member from the
International Union
- 2010 - Review of the book:
The Spirit Level
by Kate Pickett, Land & Liberty, Spring
(liverpool) |
- 1927 -Located at 42 Stnaley Park Avenue, N. Liverpool
- 1927 - F.R. Jones, Honorable Secretary
Lloyd, Toby |
... |
- 2002 - Review of the book:
Silent Theft
by Toby Lloyd, Land & Liberty, July-December (Winter)
- 2002 - Article,
How to Untie the Knot
Land & Liberty, Autumn-Winter, regarding
the multinational "stranglehold on natural resources"
- 2003 - Serving as Manager of Land & Liberty
(London) |
(Bristol) |
Long, Myles |
... |
- 1930 - Review of a new edition of the book:
Progress and Poverty
by Henry George; Land & Liberty, September
Longfield (Justice) |
(Bristol) |
Loveless, John |
(Bristol) |
- 1989 - Chapter (Commercial and Industrial Land) from the book:
Costing The Earth
edited by Ronald Banks
- 1995 - Elected Chairman, Henry George
Foundation of Great Britain
- 1996 - Became Director, Economic Justice Movement
- 2003 - Working on the development of the UK's coastal
engineering network (University of Bristol)
- 2010 - Presentation,
"Is Remarkable Energy Really Going to be Better Than Coal, Gas and Nuclear?"
at the International Union conference, London; 30 April
Loveridge, C.W. |
England |
- 1949 - Attended International Union
conference, Swanwick, England
- 1952 - Attended International Union
conference, Odense, Denmark
Lyon, C. |
(Aberdeenshire) |
- 1982 - Attended International Union conference, Utrecht, Holland
- 1984 - Attended International Union conference, Cambridge, England