The Public: Editorials and Articles
- Baker, M.N.:
Public Ownership of Water Works (18 June)
- Bigelow, Poultney:
A Bit of Spanish Public Opinion (25 June)
- Bourinot, John:
National Integrity of Canada (4 June)
- Maguire, James:
Single Tax in a Nut Shell (18 June)
- Miller, Joseph Dana:
Liberty for the Cuban People (18 June)
- Mills, James:
Two Great Commandments in Economics (25 June)
- Ralph, Julian:
Russia and the Russians (18 June)
- Ralph, Julian:
Russian Peasants Capacity for Self-Government (25 June)
- Sala, Ramon Rayes:
Philippine Islands
- Sellers, Edith:
Galacia is Home to the Most Miserable Peasantry in Europe (11 June)
- Unsigned:
A British Citizen's View of the American Temperament (11 June)
- White, Arnold:
Gladstone's Faith in the Common People (4 June)
- Bigelow, H.S.:
Church and the Labor Movement (17 September)
- Braun, Robert:
Hunger in Hungary (24 September)
- Choate, Joseph:
Value of Trial by Jury (17 September)
- Garrison, William Lloyd:
Imperialism Fatal to Self-Government (17 September)
- George, Henry:
Cause of the Irish Famine (3 September)
- George, Henry (Jr.):
British Towns Petition for Local Tax on Land Values (3 September)
- Griffis, William:
Whence Came the Hawaiians (3 September)
- Harwood, W.S.:
Trans-Mississippi Exposition (3 September)
- Herron, George:
Enough and to Spare (3 September)
- Herron, George:
Publicans and Harlots (24 September)
- Lanciani, Rodolfo:
Real Destroyers of Civilizations (17 September)
- Maguire, James:
Function of Government in Public Utilities (10 September)
- Saul, John:
All Things Made New (24 September)
- Warren, George Curtis:
Music in Vacation Schools (10 September)
- White, John Turner:
Does College Prepare a Person for Life? (3 September)
- Adney, Tappan:
A Winter's Work in the Klondike (8 October)
- Beecher, Asher:
U.S. Tax Structure Unfairly Protects the Rich (8 October)
- Bigelow, H.S.:
Virden Miners Strike Tragedy (22 October)
- Foyer, M.J.:
A Lesson from New South Wales (22 October)
- Frost, William:
Appalachian America (15 October)
- Herron, George:
New Conscience (15 October)
- Kennan, George:
Wrecking of the Army by Sickness (29 October)
- Leupp, Francis:
Bear Island Indian Outbreak (29 October)
- Maguire, James:
How the Single Tax Would Affect the Farmers (1 October)
- Malcolm, J.G.:
Single Tax and Farmers (29 October)
- Parsons, Frank:
Public Ownership of Railroads (15 October)
- Parsons, Frank:
Repudiation of Spain's Cuban Debt Justifiable (29 October)
- Potter, Henry:
U.S. Must Not Embrace Imperialism (8 October)
- Stetson, Charlotte:
Continued Advance of Social Reform (22 October)
- White John Turner:
Review of the book:
The Newe American Aristocracy, by Harry Thurston Peck (15 October)
- Will, Thomas:
How Shall Our Schools and Universities be Supported (8 October)
- Alden, Percy:
Japan is Working Up a Land Question (26 November)
- Bryan, George:
Tax System of Manitoba (12 November)
- Hall, Bolton:
When Foreigners Arrive at Your Shore (26 November)
- Herron, George:
Coming Freedom (5 November)
- Jones, S.M.:
Improving our Citizenship (26 November)
- Jones, S.M.:
Public Ownership of Municipal Functions (12 November)
- Kennan, George:
In Defense of Democracy in U.S. Territories (12 November)
- Maguire, James:
Single Tax Campaign Continues in California (26 November)
- Maxwell, Raymond:
Life on Six Dollars a Week (19 November)
- Potter, Henry:
Fight Against Spain was a Fight Against Oppression, Not for Expansion (12 November)
- Robinson, Phil:
Maroons of Jamaica (5 November)
- Shearman, Thomas:
Every Tax is Confiscation; Public Capture of Rent is Not Taxation
(12 November)
- Wells, J.H.:
The Name "Single Tax" (12 November)